Chapter 31

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His office was the same as you remembered it. The same black leather couches and the same window with the view of the city behind him. But things did change, more awards on his shelf and more golden records on his walls. He really has the world within his grasp. Though he looks like he hasn't aged one bit, it has been just a year, you reminded yourself.

"Thank you for meeting with me, sir." you said. He stretched his arm out to reach for the cup of tea.

"I'm very happy that you called." Bang P.D said. "Am I right to assume the reason for this meeting?" he asked.

You tried to hide your smile with failure. "Yes, sir. If you would still have me, I would like my job back." Namjoon's conversation from a few days ago gave you the courage to move forward and you knew it was the right decision, there's nowhere else you'd rather be.

He adjusted his glasses and placed the cup down with a soft thud, though it did make you jump because the atmosphere suddenly got uneasy. He cleared his throat. "I'm honored that you would want to come back here and work. But there's a problem."

"What is it, sir?" you asked, vines growing in stomach.

"We have no room here." he answered flatly. He didn't say anything further because there was nothing else to say. You nodded and tried to force the smile to remain.

"Oh, I see," You began gathering your stuff to go. "Well I apologize for taking time away from your work-" You were cut off by laughter, a hysterical one. You turned to see the man on the other couch with both hands on his stomach as his mouth opened widely, catching his breath. If you hadn't known any better, you probably would have thought he was dying. But the sound coming out of his mouth was joyest and pure amusement.

"Oh my god, I'm so sorry. Seokjin and Jungkook told me to do it." he said breathlessly. Then he pointed at the camera on his desk. "They're watching us right now through that." You looked at the device and narrowed your eyes. When you see them, they will be dead. "Anyways, of course you can have your job. We even cleaned out your studio and repainted everything."

"You didn't have to do that, sir." you said.

"I didn't, but you can surely guess who did." You chuckled. The image of Namjoon with paint was an adorable one that warms your heart. His eyes would squint both to think about what to do and also because he was very much blind without contacts or glasses. He was splash paint on his clothes by being too rough and get sad because it was his favorite cardigan but then the thought faded when he thought of your smile when seeing the studio. He kept going.

"Thank you sir. I won't let you down."

He nodded. "But there's another matter we should discuss."

"What is it?" The office door opened slowly to reveal the boy you'd been missing even if you talked to him on the phone last night.

"Ah, you're here just on time." Bang P.D said. Judging from his sweat, he had just came from dance rehearsal. The Mic Drop remix dance was one of the toughest choreographies they've ever done and Namjoon looks stunning while performing it.

"Sorry for being late, love." he said, grabbing your hand and planted a kiss on it. Bang P.D watched and smiled fondly, he was pleased that Namjoon finally got the bliss he deserves.

"Namjoon wants to make your relationship public." he said. You snapped your head to him and then back at Namjoon.

"But why? Is that okay? Will you be okay? Will the company be okay?"

"My Y/N, please calm down." Namjoon chuckled.

"It will be alright, Y/N." Bang P.D said coolly. "I approve of this relationship, obviously. The company won't take any damages because there won't be any. Bangtan has built a platform of self-love and fans have been wanting the boys to find love for themselves. So I don't think that will be a problem."

"But my reputation..."

"Is still great." Namjoon said. "People still love you and the work that you're doing for young children. I'm very sure that our fans will support us. And even if they don't, I won't stop loving you, I won't give you up. You're the only one I need, Y/N."

"Alright, I trust you." you answered.

"That settled that then. The company will release a statement later today. For now, go to your studio and get settled down."

"Thank you sir." Namjoon said with a grin. "Thank you so much for this."

"Son, you deserve everything in this world." Bang P.D said in return and patted Namjoon's back as you two walked out the door. "Oh, show her your surprise." he added before closing the door.

"Surprise?" you asked in delight. His cheeks flushed as he shuffled forward.

"You'll see." He held your hand and swung it back and forth like school children. His stress was gone and his sunlight was back. His walls crumbled and he had walked away from the remains towards your safe haven. The nameplate on your office door was back, Y/N's Suite, it read, in honor of Tchaikovsky. Inside was the smell with lavender mist to fade out the paint. The color made the room bigger and when you looked up at the ceiling, tears had formed. He painted the night sky with a crescent moon and the North Star.

On your desk were your equipments that Adora had secretly taken and set up before you arrived. But also a few framed photos. Of you and her, you with Namjoon, and one of the boys. "It's my favorite picture of us," he explained. "All of us have it by our desks and I thought it would be fitting that my girlfriend has it too."

The word girlfriend bloomed butterflies again. He pulled you closer and left a kiss on your forehead. "Is this the surprise?" you asked. He shook his head and pulled out a USB drive from his pocket. He inserted it into the monitor and pulled out an audio file. The familiar tune started and you gasped. "Oh my god, is this what I think it is?" you asked, holding your breath.

He giggled, "Probably."

"I've been waiting for this for so long," you exclaimed. "Blood, Sweat, and Tears teaser full-length version! I love you!"

"For the song?"

"Yes, but mostly just for you."

Namjoon smiled and watched as your eyes grew bigger along with the curve of your lips. "Just for you, love."

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