Chapter 13

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This was the moment you dreaded most every time you step foot out of the plane. The moment where you would see the people who brought you into this world and abandoned you the second it was convenient for them. Luckily, you were able to escape the limo they sent at the airport, but the luck ran out when it showed up in front of your hotel room. Guests arriving or leaving the hotel were staring in awe. You would trade this life for theirs in a heartbeat.

The driver said nothing except for sending your parent's anger that you didn't choose to stay with them at their villa. You leaned onto the car door. Your head would bump on it every time the car drove on top of uneven roads. Maybe it'll give you a headache and you can use that as an excuse to avoid your parents. Highly unlikely considering they're practically forcing you to join them for lunch and to meet some people before the performance tonight. Snobby rich people with no real taste in music. To them, it was just a commodity to make money off of and to brag about. You're no more than a pawn to them.

The car came to a sudden stop. The driver opened the door for you and ushered for you to enter the main gate. With antique and intricate designs only faded by the passing of time, the villa stood tall and proud. How fitting for your parents, artificial and futile. Immediately, the pit in your stomach grew as numerous servants emerged through the front door to greet you.

"Welcome, miss Y/N." they all said in a monotone voice. It sent shivers down your spine. You offered a small smile as you walked through them, they emitted no aura of human beings. Being in close proximity to your parents can have that side effect. They sat separately on the far ends of the long dining table. The distance between them could never begin to illustrate the hate they had towards each other. Their charity and pride were the only things that kept them together, not even you had the power to do that. Maybe that was for the better, two evils shouldn't ever touch.

You bowed when you stood closer to the table. "Hello mother, hello father."

"Go change. The maid will take you to the room." you mother said without sparing you so much as a glance. She was too busy observing the movements of air particles. You father sipped his coffee and sighed. You nodded and followed the maid. Disappointment stopped being a new phenomenon. They would never ask about your flight, how you were, if you had a good night sleep, if you were nervous about the performance. They groomed you to be perfect, something mechanical. At some point, they forgot you had feelings.

When you got back, they had set up a chair for you in the middle. "Director Kang informed us that you changed your rehearsal schedule. Why is that?" your father asked. You were surprised it had taken them this long to mention it considering they seem to monitor every aspect of your life. Luckily they haven't touched BigHit yet.

"I find more energy at night," you lied. "It's better for my playing."

Your mother looked at you with arrogance, she lifted an eyebrow that then revealed all the crows' feet around her eyes. "I hope that's true. You know you can't hide anything from us."

"Yes, I'm aware."

"Sweetie, we only want what's best for you." your father added. It made you gag internally. Terms of endearment were never genuine in your family.

"Yes, as your father said. You need us." your mother said chuckled. "Your wings can only take you so far, the sun can burn them. But we'll give you new ones. You're useless without us."

Little did they know, they've plucked your feathers before you could spread your wings. The invisible chain they put around your ankle felt tight. But luckily the sun had always been your friend, along with the moon, the stars, the night sky, the clouds, the sea, and the earth. The boys were your wings. And Namjoon always walked beside you when you couldn't fly. The thoughts of them made you happy and gave you strength for the rest of the day when dealing with the crowds. The compliments that had no real emotions behind them. The ulterior motive of getting money from your parents with every smile. It made you nauseous.

The bright lights made it worse and so did the countless cameras on you. It slipped your mind that it would be a live broadcast. The MC introduced you as a musical genius, but that phrase was no longer true. It should be reserved for Kim Namjoon, Min Yoongi, and Jung Hoseok. Once you started playing, everything in front of you faded.

Jimin sat on his couch and watched the broadcast. Korean televisions were showing it on all channels because you were the national pride at the moment. He frowned. You never had this expression on you before. Namjoon stood behind him, leaning against the wall and also noticed the same thing. It was news to him that Sugarplum had even left the country. Though he had been too occupied with you to keep in touch with Sugarplum.

"I think she's sad." Jimin said.

"I think so too." The two of them continued to watch the performance, observing your bow directions and vibratos. The movements were stressed and felt wrong. The words were getting to you. The fact that they sat in the front row made it worse. Your body was shaking and sweats began forming on your forehead despite all the air conditioning. The ending was near, the pressure that you put on the bow was heavier. Namjoon felt that he had stopped breathing while watching you.

When the piece ended, you placed the cello down, stood up, and ran off stage. The audience, in the chaos of their clapping and cheering, were too focused on their appearance to notice that you had left the stage. "Hyung," Jimin said, turning to Namjoon. "You should call Y/N."

It caught Namjoon off guard. "Why?"

"I don't know," Jimin lied. "I feel like she needs someone to talk to right now." Namjoon didn't argue with the baby because he had been meaning to call you anyway. So he took out his phone and dialed your number. It vibrated on the countertop in your waiting room, you caught it at the last ring.


"Hi-Are you okay? You sound out of breath." Namjoon said with concerned.

"Yes, I'm okay. I-I was just out on a run." you lied. "Why did you call?"

"I'm not sure. I watched the Sugarplum performance and I felt that something was wrong with her. Then Jimin said I should call you. But are you really okay? You sound like you're crying." You moved the phone away as you wiped your tears. Namjoon had always been attentive, his ears don't lie. "Please don't lie to me. If you don't want to talk about it, it's fine. But tell me honestly if you're not okay."

"I'm not okay." you said immediately. "Being with my family is like walking into an open fire. I'm suffocating." you cried into the phone.

"My Y/N, I wish I could be there to hug you." he sighed. "For now, I hope my voice will do. Please know that there are people here who care so deeply about you and are waiting for you to return. Me, especially. I really miss you."

"And I miss you too. I'll be home soon, Namjoon."

"I'll wait for you no matter how long it takes." he said gently. Hearing his voice calmed your heart down immensely. You looked at yourself in the mirror, at this moment, you weren't Sugarplum. You were just Y/N, the girl Namjoon misses. 

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