Chapter 7

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Ever since you started working at BigHit, you had to move your whole schedule around with rehearsal. So you would work in the morning while going to rehearsal later at night. Sometimes you wouldn't get home until 3 in the morning and then going to work at 8. It was physically exhausting and mentally draining, especially at rehearsal, but when you're at work and seeing the boys, it makes things more bearable.

Director Kang had been noticing and found it strange that you changed your schedule, but since he still gets money, he could care less about you. He also didn't care that you borrowed some of the first violins for Jimin's song, though you masked it as something you were working on for yourself. The deadline was next month and you wanted to work hard to not let Jimin down. You had finally finished composing the score for players.

"Miss Sugarplum, you seem tired." one of the violinists said. She handed you her pocket mirror and handed it to you. You got a good look at yourself and saw what everyone else saw, dark puffy circles. At least the girls were nice about it, they understood the stress you were going through. You conducted the sections and after a few run-throughs, the piece was up to your standard. You thanked the girls. When they left, you started rehearsing your own songs for the weekend. The president was going to be there as it was his birthday celebration. You wondered if Namjoon would be there. You had held off a few tickets to give to him and the rest of the employees.

It was around 2 when you got home. You couldn't skip the shower, so it was closer to 3 when you went home. In the morning, your throat felt weird, like a feather was permanently stuck. Since you couldn't afford to miss work, you dressed warmly and headed out. You started driving an old car to work and stopped wearing any jewelry to hide your life from the people at work. You wanted them to treat you genuinely instead of being nice only to expect something in return. And working here was definitely the right move.

"Good morning, Y/N!" a voice chimed from behind.

"Good morning Adora."

"Your voice sounds weird, did you catch a cold?" she asked with concern in her eyes.

"I really hope not, I feel fine right now."

"Well take it easy, alright?"

"Alright. I'll see you at lunch." she waved and headed to her studio. Today was a group lunch for the producers and staff as a thank you for the hard work for the album. As you closed the door, you felt dizzy. The room felt like an elevator ride that kept going up and down. Somehow the room felt smaller too. You shook it off, no time to get distracted. You sat down in front of the monitor and kept workings. Invisible weights hung on your eyelids.


It was half past noon, lunch went on. Namjoon searched the room for a particular face but failed to locate it. He didn't want to care, but he told himself that it was because everyone needs food and she was an employee, that's why he cared. He did spot Adora and walked quickly towards her. Yoongi knew exactly what he was doing and smirked.

"Boy in love," Hoseok said.

Yoongi shook his head. "Boy with love."

Adora also seemed concerned when she didn't see you coming. Your door was closed when she left and she figured you'd come later. You also hadn't answered her text messages. Namjoon sensed that something was wrong. "Is she coming?" he asked. Adora didn't need to know who he was talking about. She shook her head.

"I'll go get her-"

"No. I'll do it." Namjoon interjected. When he realized that he had spoken too loudly, he cleared his throat. "The food will get cold if she doesn't get here soon." Adora nodded her head slowly. Namjoon walked out of the room before anyone else could say anything. His steps were hasty. He grew more worried by the second. He had seen the way you work, sometimes you would stay in your studio for hours without coming out. It was similar to Yoongi's work style, so Namjoon knew how to handle it. Proper and gentle scolding, though it would be less gentle with you because he claimed that he doesn't care about you.

He knocked exactly three times and took a step back to wait. No response. He knocked again, a bit louder. Again, no answer. He was more annoyed now since he had waited for you to eat, even if you weren't eating with him. "Fuck it." he said and turned the doorknob. He felt a bit better when he saw that you were inside the room. But his anxiety level grew when he saw your head was flat on the desk and you were breathing irregularly. He rushed over to your side and saw that your cheeks were rosy red.

"You're burning up," he said softly. He was frantic, unaware of what to do. He could call Seokjin but he left his phone back at the kitchen. Without another thought, he carried you over to the couch Yoongi gifted you and lay you down gently. He took your glasses off, fingers lingering on your cheek. With your eyes closed, he couldn't help but think about how familiar you look. The shape of your nose, your eyes, your lips. Somehow, he felt like he does know you. "Who are you to make me feel like this?" He ran back to his office to get some medicine and a cooling patch for your forehead. You were extremely sleepy but managed to take the pills. You really had no idea what was happening aside from your throbbing head.

Namjoon glanced over to the monitors and saw that you were working on Jimin's song. It seemed to have been completed. You were sleeping now, breathing regularly. He decided to take a peek at the song. He gasped quietly when he heard the instrumentations. It was exactly what he had in mind when he made that suggestion. The full strings, the thrill, and the calm that Jimin was asking for. Namjoon hesitantly looked over at you and realized maybe he was wrong about everything. About you. 

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