Chapter 26

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The doctor said it was okay to leave tomorrow morning after the last x-ray scan. You thanked him quietly and watched him leave. As much as she wanted to stay with you, she had to go back to work. It was fine with you because you wanted to be alone and gather your thoughts. The physical healing process had already begun, you could walk around the room at least. The police came earlier this morning to take down your story. You told them about the men, as much as you could remember, and what they had said to you. You doubted the police would be able to find any dirt on your parents because they were good at hiding their tracks. That wasn't new.

And that wasn't the worst part. The worst part was that they went to this extent to punish you because you wouldn't agree to marry someone you didn't love. It really does prove that they're incapable of feeling any love or affection. You really have no family left in this world. Minyoung did visit as soon as you woke up. You thanked her for paying for the hospital fees but she said when she went to pay, someone else had already done it. The staff wouldn't tell you who but you had your suspicions.

Minyoung said that you would still have a job at the school if you wanted, a proper administration role, she stated. You turned her down, saying how being there would only make it more painful right now. Being so close to the instruments and yet not being able to make music anymore, you couldn't go through that. For so long, it was your life, even though it was hell, it was the only thing you had. You sat on the couch, cradling your left hand and stared out the window, thinking about what will happen next.


"Hyung, come with us, you know you want to." Jungkook said. The others had already packed up their stuff from the dance practice room and were ready to head out.

"I don't want to." Namjoon answered, he picked up his jacket and headed for the door.

"Where are you going?" Hoseok asked.

"To my studio." Namjoon answered without looking back at his hyung. The rest of the boys looked at each other and sighed.

"Why does he have to be so stubborn?" Seokjin groaned. "We all know he went to visit her when she was unconscious. Why doesn't he want to see her when she's awake?" He threw his hands in the air in defeat, and his cheeks were red from the yelling.

"I don't know, hyung. But I wish he would listen to her." Jimin said softly. Yoongi patted his back.

"We'll make sure of it," he smiled. "Now let's go visit our girl." They stopped by the market to grab some fruits and snacks, mostly for themselves because they're starving but they also wanted to see you so it's a win-win. They also made a quick stop at the candy shop because they knew sweets could cheer you up. The car stopped at the alley behind the hospital and the group of boys pulled up their hoods and masks and got out of the car. Without any lights, they looked like a group of gangsters, but with fruits and chocolates.

BigHit had already arranged a visit with the hospital so the boys took a secret pathway to get to your room. When they knocked on the door, it made you jumped. No one should be coming, not even Adora since she has a project that's due soon. They didn't wait until you opened the door and instead collided into it with their bodies. Well only Jungkook and Jin wanted to see how strong they were in comparison with each other. Luckily your room was located far from everyone else's so the noise wouldn't bother them.

Hoseok and Taehyung placed the food on the table while Yoongi studied your hand, frowning empathetically. He didn't want to think about what would happen if he couldn't play the piano again. "Oppa, my eyes are up here." you joked.

He snapped out of the trance and looked up to your face. It was the first time they had seen you since you woke up. They sighed out of relief when the bruises started to fade. "Sorry. How are you feeling?" he asked.

"I can't say I feel fine because I'm not. But I can say that eventually, I will be fine."

"Once I get my hands on your parents, I'll make sure they pay for this." Jungkook growled. They heard the full story from Adora, even though you told her not to say anything.

"How could someone do something like this to their own daughter?" Jimin was bewildered by that fact. He took your free hand and held it. "You'll always have us, okay? We're your family."

"Thank you. And I guess this is a good time to say I'm sorry for lying to you all."

"Don't apologize," Hoseok said. "You did nothing wrong."

"I am mad that you didn't show me your watch collection before it was taken away." Taehyung teased.

"Once I get my house back, I will show you."

"Can you do that?" asked Seokjin. He was peeling some fruits for Jungkook whose cheeks were swollen from his wisdom teeth removal. It looked like he had stuffed marshmallows into both cheeks.

"Of course. I'll find a way. I'll get my life back." you laughed ironically. "Actually, I don't know what life is mine anymore."

"You are you, you are Y/N and Sugarplum. Don't fight it." Yoongi said.

"I'm not Sugarplum anymore. I can no longer play my cello."

"Y/N, the cello didn't give you any superpower, it was all you." Jimin pointed out. "You're still talented with or without it."

"Thanks." you managed to muster up. "But it was because of the cello that I met you all, and him..." you whispered the last part but they all caught it.

"He wants to see you, but he doesn't like to admit it." Jungkook said.

"He was here when you weren't awake. I'm sure you heard that he was the one who found you. So don't worry, sooner or later he'll find you again." Seokjin added. You took in what they said and nodded slowly. Butterflies formed in your stomach from the hope that he'll come to see you. But even if he doesn't, you'll be okay, you promised.

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