Chapter 4

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If he thought the whole thing was crazy before, he definitely thought it was absurd at this point. There were thousands of people who dressed like him or even fancier entering the theater. Some had bouquets of flowers and his single tulip felt out of place. He wondered why he was here in the first place. But there was something about that encounter that was stuck in his mind. The smile, the composure, how you talked to the kids as if they meant the world to you, everything was stuck in Namjoon's mind.

His seat was in the center section and far back. To him, that was better so that he could hear the sound. The lights for the audience dimmed and the sound of applaud grew. Then you entered the stage with your violin and bow. He did a double take when he saw you in a red dress. The grand piano was in the middle of the stage, your partner gave you a nod and you began. The sound of both instruments quickly filling the room. Conversations died and all ears were focused on your melody. Namjoon didn't recognize the song, he had thought that you would be covering some well-known pieces. He read the program again. To his surprise, you write every piece yourself. That fact made him admire you more.

The first piece ended and Namjoon stood up to applaud this time. He didn't mean to do it, something just came over him. You bowed and took a seat, the cello already in his position. The bow began moving. It was the piece from the audition, more polished with piano accompaniment. You changed the melody a bit but the body remained the same. The audience was mesmerized by the melody, all except one. Being a musical genius himself, Namjoon quickly noticed the familiarity of the melody. It closely resembled the one that the girl used for her audition. Even their playing style was the same, he thought he was transported back to that day. It was impossible, he thought, they can't be the same person. One of them is lying and he has a pretty good feeling of who it was.

On the stage, your eyes remained closed. The light was too bright. You focused on each finger, the direction of the bow, every vibrato. You were out of breath by the time the last note struck the air. Namjoon was in awe. The applaud grew like usual and the flowers thrown on stage were normal. You took your bow and left. Namjoon held his tulip tight, he wanted to give it to you in private. Minyoung said that if he wanted to talk to you more, then to wait at the backstage door. Which he did. A few of the crew members exited through the door and gave him strange looks.

A pity, they thought, they thought he was another one of those hopeless fans who fell in love. After a while, Namjoon wanted to give up but the door opened again to see you struggling to carry your cello while talking on the phone.

"No, Jinyoung, I don't want to have dinner with you. Tell your parents that you're sorry but your girlfriend has better things to do than to pretend that she likes being around you. I'll transfer some money to your account. Leave me alone." And then you hung up. Your parents had set you up with Jinyoung since his parents were also rich. As lovely as he is, he only cared about himself and money. You only keep him around so your parents won't boss you around with relationships. You jumped and almost dropped your phone when you saw Namjoon was leaning against the wall.

"Oh hello," you said. "Did you need something?"

"I-um, I just wanted to say that you did a beautiful job. And I-I wanted to give you this." he said, handing you the tulip. You've never got a single tulip before. It made you smile widely. This meant more to you than all the bouquets combined.

"Thank you so much," you replied. "I'm very glad that you enjoyed the show. I also wanted to thank you for coming to the school and showing the children some stuff. I'm sure it made their day."

He tilted his head, "You remember me?" he asked.

"Your hair makes it hard to forget," you lied. Even if he didn't have the hair, you would find it easy to recognize him.

"That's embarrassing," he said, rubbing the back of his neck. The dimples appeared. "If you don't mind me asking, who was on the phone? You seemed annoyed."

"Oh, no one. Just my annoying boyfriend who I forget exist until he calls me to ask for money." you answered bluntly.

"That doesn't sound ideal." Namjoon commented. For some reason. He felt down now that he heard about your boyfriend. He had clear intentions of only talking about music, but he couldn't help but wanted something else.

"It's not, but that's how life is. I just want to run away from it sometimes." you said, looking at the ground. Namjoon remembered someone else mentioning running away and shook his head. That was the last person he wanted to think about. "Can I ask why you came to the performance?"

"I'm not sure. I wanted to explore more of different genres and to be able to make music, I think I need a good grasp of all the different styles. Orchestral can make people cry and I want to learn why and how. I want to move people the way you do." he answered genuinely.

The answer made you blush. It consolidated the fact that he cares about his craft. "It's late and you have to work early tomorrow. You should head home." you said.

"How did you know I have work early?" he asked. You mentally cursed yourself for saying that. He stood patiently, waiting for an explanation.

"Well I-I just figured, being an idol and everything." you laughed nervously. Then your phone chimed. "I should get going too. Good night, Rapmon." you said before heading out the door. Namjoon could have sworn he saw Adora's name on the notification, the girl the company planned on hiring. And as much as he didn't want it, they hired the other girl as well and asked that the producers, including the rap line, give them a chance and help out when needed. Namjoon sighed, but at least he found a new hobby. 

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