Chapter 5

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You could tell that he was unhappy when he saw you at the company but you went on with your day. Since it was your first, it was mainly to get introduced to the place as well as the other employees. Luckily, Adora was right next to you the entire time. Yoongi showed you two around the company, the dance room, the kitchen, all the studios. When you passed by his, you were greeted by a cat.

"What a lovely doormat." Adora commented.

"Yeah thanks," he grinned proudly. "My studio is absolutely off limit, as you can see with the passcode and all that. So ring the doorbell of you ever need anything." Hoseok's studio was a little more inviting, you could hear him working on something upbeat. Namjoon's studio was on the corner. He had locked himself in there as a protest since your arrival. "He'll come around," Yoongi said, "He's sensitive about music."

"So are you, right?" you asked.

"Yeah, but if I get worked up, it would mean I have to put in the energy to care. I think your stuff is cool so, for now, I'll tolerate you." he shrugged. Somehow that did make you feel better. He dropped the two of you off at your respective studios, coincidentally located next to each other. After saying bye to the two of them, you closed the door and began unpacking your equipment. Adora recommended some more stuff to make your life easier. and you had purchased all of her recommendations. You started with the monitors, speakers, keyboards and finally a station for your cello. It took a few hours but you were finally satisfied.

Not having anything else to do, you decided to put some stuff to the test. You set up the microphone and began playing some random notes on your cello. The audio played back appeared on the computer and things were turning out nicely. So you played some more, the new song you just wrote. It came out of some dark place and you felt that in the chords. Being yourself in an empty room, the melody sounded more oppressing. You stopped, that's not how you want to live your life anymore.

Outside, Namjoon stopped his hand midair from knocking. He had wanted to come and talk to you about your schedule as Bang P.D told him to. But when he heard you playing, his thoughts disintegrate. It was the song Sugarplum played, but it didn't sound like someone covering it. The piece sounded exactly the same, from the pitch to the intonation. The vibratos were in the exact spot. It brought so many questions for Namjoon. As far as he could tell, you weren't there the night of the performance in the audience and it wasn't recorded so there was no way you could have heard it.

He couldn't wait any longer and knock. You were surprised to see him, and even more surprised to see how close he was to your face. "Um, yes?" you asked. He didn't answer your question, but stared into your eyes, hoping to see what he was looking for. He could tell immediately the glasses were fake but that could just be for the aesthetic.

"The song you were playing just and the one that you used for the audition, where did you get that piece?" he asked.

"I-I wrote it?" you answer hesitantly.

"That's impossible. Sugarplum wrote it and she hasn't released it yet." he argued.

"So all of a sudden you know everything about me- I mean her?"

"What's that's supposed to mean?" he asked defensively.

"Nothing." you said, closing the door. He put his hand out and blocked the door from closing. "What are you doing?"

"Did you steal her song?" he asked.

Your mouth dropped. "I'm sorry, what did you just say?"

"Did you steal her song before it was released? I mean you couldn't have come up with something like that on your own. It was too beautiful and raw."

"And what about me that couldn't have written it?" you asked. You had never been mad at him for his constructive criticism but this was taking it too far.

"You feel that you're entitled to success because you got into a good music school and got good grades. You think you belong here but you don't. I worked my ass off for years underground before I was given the chance. I hate the sight of you and I hate that you're playing her music, you fake." His eyes narrowed and he backed away. Your jaws clenched.

"Nothing comes for free, Kim Namjoon." you began. "You paint me as this princess who feels that she has no responsibility for the world. That's not me. That's your precious Sugarplum. Did it ever occur to you how she started her career? Being handed to on a silver platter by her parents. She didn't want to perform but they glued her feet to the floor and attached the bow to her hand. Her smile is manufacture to perfection to please people she hates. She's the fake one here. And for your information, I did not steal anything. If you're done here, please leave." You didn't wait for his answer before closing the door.

Staring at the door, Namjoon took it all in. He had been so caught up with his own struggles and wanting to reach the light that he failed to see that others were wanting the exact same thing. The escape, something to run to. You, him, and Sugarplum were just cracks on the wall waiting for the light to pour through.

Back in the room, you didn't cry. That was another good thing your parents taught you: Don't cry when there are things you could do better. And you will be better so that he will never look down on you again. It was funny, at least, to think he's infatuated with Sugarplum, the mere title of her when he can't even see the real person in front of him.

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