Chapter 12

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Traveling abroad was nothing new. From security to loading the plane to being on the plane for some 16 hours was nothing new. But watching the clouds move had always been exciting, no clouds ever look the same and no sky was ever the same. You who were floating above the sky remained the same person until not that long ago. A while back, you became more of the person you should be, more happy, more carefree, more passionate about what you're doing. And that passion translated to this trip to the Geneva for a performance. Though it meant you would be away from your source of energy for a few days.

As you close your eyes for the remainder of the flight, it occurred to you that you'll be seeing your parents, something you don't want to ever do, and that you did not tell Kim Namjoon you would be gone. Everything suddenly felt worse. Surely he would be worried. In the weeks that followed the conversation in your studio, he did as promised. He continued to look at you the same way, maybe more than usual and he was certainly not afraid to make his feelings more obvious in front of other people. He would come to your studio more, sir on your couch and write his lyrics. At lunch, he would find you. During rehearsal, he would make sure you were watching him and placed himself between you and any members. Kim Namjoon was more territorial than you thought.

You also did as told by not ignoring him, though you've tried to lock him out or go to a different room when he's around. But like gravity, the pull towards him was constant and growing strong. Some days you wanted to tell him the truth, on others you wished you were Y/N the dorky producer. At least you told Bang P.D about your trip, you said it was family matters. The conversation with him still lingered in your mind.

He leaned back in his seat and nodded, "I hope everything is well."

"Ah, yes. I'm sure it will." you replied.

He pursed his lips back into a straight line. His eyebrows knitted together in deep thoughts. He inches forward and leaned his chin on his clasped hands. "Listen, Y/N, I don't mind any relationship between employees." he said slowly. He was trying to avoid being specific, but you weren't dumb, you knew he was talking about you and Namjoon.

"Sir, you have nothing to worry about. There's nothing to-"

"Let me finish," he said. "Though I don't mind, I want what's best for my artists which means I need full transparency. So tell me, do you like him?"

He needed not to ask about Namjoon's feelings because everyone could see it. And he didn't need to ask for yours either, yet he did, so there was no point in lying. "Yes."

"Alright. I hope you find the courage to tell him."

You didn't know if he meant your feelings or your identity, but most likely not the latter because he wouldn't know. In any case, you would call Namjoon as soon as you land.

Back on land, the first thing Namjoon did once he got to the company was to walk to your studio. Typically, your light would be on and the door would be unlocked, indicating that you were present behind the walls. Not today. The glass door showed no lights and the doorknob wouldn't budge. Odd, he thought, you should be here today. The last time he saw you, he didn't see any sign that you were sick or in distress. Your phone was off and he sent you a few messages every few hours. When you didn't answer, naturally he thought of the worst-case scenario and though you got into an accident, so he called all the hospitals in the area and kept a watch of the news to see nothing about an accident.

By midday, he grew more anxious and went to Band P.D's office. The door was wide open, as it normally is. "Sir-"

"You're wondering where she is?" he asked immediately.

Namjoon's mouth hung open, feeling flustered for the moment. "Well I was just curious, she shouldn't be missing work..."

"Oh shut up, I know you're worried. Don't, she's just taking care of some business for a few days."


"Maybe she'll tell you when she's done." he shrugged. Namjoon felt uneasy with not knowing all the information needed but all he could do was nod.

"Alright, thank you sir."

"Try to not miss her too much." Bang P.D chuckled.

"W-what? No, I-I do not miss her at all." Namjoon argued. His face began heating up and with the sunlight coming from the window in front of him, it was hard to hide that fact.

"Alright, don't get too worked up. I was joking." Band P.D said. "But she did say she'll miss you the most."

Namjoon's ears perked up and his eyes widened, glimmering under the light. "She did?" he asked, if he had a tail it would be wagging at this moment.

"Yes. And I'll be sure to tell her you don't care at all-"

"No!" Namjoon asserted loudly. His boss raised an eyebrow, clearly amused. "I-I mean, I...I'm gonna leave now." He heard the man gaily laughing as he walked back to his studio, feet dragging. He forgot to ask how long you'd be gone and to where, but he had a feeling it would be far away. All he could do now was write some more lyrics and hope to hear from you soon.

Soon would be later, while he's sleeping in bed. His phone went off and he had lunged for it before it could wake up Taehyung. He had to pry Taehyung's arms off him and insert a pillow in his place for the baby to let him go. He grabbed a hoodie and headed out to the patio. "Hello?" he asked into the phone.

"Hi," said the voice he'd been waiting for. He smiled gingerly to himself under the moonlight. "I'm so sorry I forgot to tell you and I was on the plane the whole day so I couldn't answer your messages. I'm sorry, you must have been worried." You went on about how bad you felt, he was listening but he continued to smile because it made him happy that you called him first. "Hello? Namjoon?"

"Yes, I'm listening." he answered. "I was mad at you this whole day and had a whole speech for what I would tell you but once I heard your voice, that all washed away. I'm just happy to hear from you and know you're okay."

"I'm happy to hear you too." you replied.

"Whatever it is that you're taking care of, I hope you tell me about it when you get back."

"Thank you, " you said, avoiding that last part. Namjoon would never push you to say something you don't want. At times you wish he was more assertive about himself, to get what he wants, but he's always been humble and denied any privilege. "Oh shoot, I must have woken you up. Go back to bed, okay?"

"Alright, but Y/N?"


"I still really like you, alright?"

You were beaming at the airport while jumping up and down in a corner like an excited school girl. He has said it every once in a while and it gave you a zoo in your stomach every time. "Alright."

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