Hanahaki disease. (prinxiety)

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You had to of known that this was gonna happen at some point. long chapter Enjoy and send requests.

Roman's POV:
I was in my room painting. I didn't really realize what I was painting till' I was done.

 I didn't really realize what I was painting till' I was done

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It was a light purple colored flower. It looked close to the color of Virgil's jacket so I wanted to give it to him as a gift!
I waited for the painting to dry. After I was done drying I walked over to Virgil's room to give it to him and knocked on the door and he said "who is it?" and I answered "its Prince!" I heard him grumble a little but when he opened the door he blushed a little. "W-what did u need Princey?" He asked. " I wanted to give you this!" I held out the painting to him. He took off his headphones which happens rarely. "This is really nice Princey thank you." He said with a little smile and a.....blush?? I shrugged it off. "Your most welcome Hot Topic." I said with a wink just because. I walked back to my room I started painting again. But all I could paint were purple flowers at least this one was different then the last

 But all I could paint were purple flowers at least this one was different then the last

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I couldn't stop thinking about the Emo Nightmare himself. I started coughing really bad. And I mean bad. What I saw shocked me. On my desk was blood but it was a ......purple flower in the blood. It can't be the hanahaki disease.. Right that's a with right??? I have to talk to Logan.

I asked Logan to come to my room so we could talk. He knocked on my door so I allowed him in. "So why might you acquire my assistant Roman?" He asked. "W-well is the hanahaki disease r-real?" I asked scared for the answer. "No it is mith roman. Do not worry. But if I may ask. Why do you want to know?" He asked a little confused. Before I could answer I started coughing rapidly. He was patting my back making sure I was okay. Then he saw the purple flower and blood. "I-it can't be i t is a mith. Or.. It should be." He said. "Well I think its pretty real nerd." I said a little annoyed. "Well who are you in love with?" He asked me. I blushed. "Promise you won't tell them or anybody else?" I asked wanting to make sure he won't. "Fine I won't. But I will help you if you tell me." He said. "I'm in love with virgil.." I said. It was barley audible "what? I couldn't hear you." He said. "Virgil! I'm in love with virgil!" I said. He looked wide eyed then looked normal. "You should tell him. That way he can ki-" I cut him off by coughing up the purple flower again.

"As I was saying. He can kiss you do you won't cough up flowers every five minutes." He said as if it was the most calm thing in the world. "I can't! I can't put that kind of pressure on him." I said. "Well then suffer. It is the only way before you die." He said with a dead serious look on his face. "I want him to like me without him knowing about this. Please don't tell him or Patton...please?" I asked begging slightly. "Fine but what are you going to do?" He asked I started coughing again. After I was done I said. "Im gonna try to spend time with him." I said. We heard Patton calling our names saying it was time for dinner. "Let me sit next to virgil?" I asked him. " okay."

Logan went down first. Once he left I started to cough again I saw Two flowers this is is getting really bad already' I thought to myself. I headed down stairs to see Hot Topic sitting at the table already. "Hey Hot topic~" I said a little flirtatious. "Aww you think I'm hot~" he said but he was flushed. "And what's wrong if I do think that?" I said with a wink and sat down next to  him. "I-i u-um." YES!! I made him Blush RED! "Okay kiddos! Let's eat!" Said Patton cheerfully. We chatted while we ate. I was holding in my cough the whole time. When I was done eating I out my plate in the sink and ran to my room

When I got to my room I was coughing so much I felt light headed. Some one knocked on my door so I opened it and saw Virgil standing there with a worried expression on his face.
"Are you okay Princey?" He asked. "O-oh of course I am haha." I said. "Okay... If u wanna talk im in my room." He said sounding a little upset and heart broken which broke my heart. He was about to leave till I called his name." Yeah Princey?" He asked. "Do you um.. Wanna watch a Disney movie together..?" I asked hoping he would say yes. "R-really?  I would love too." He smiled and blushed a little. "Come in then." I said while blushing. I started coughing. "You good Princey? That doesn't sound to good." He asked concerned. "Aww you worry about me. How cute~." I said in a teasing flirtatious tone. ",s-shut up!" He said embarrassed clearly.

When the two movies were over I realized the position I was in.
I was sitting up right and Virgil was resting his head in the crook of my neck. After the next week the hanahaki disease got worse but my love and our friendship got stronger. It was the morning so I wanted to make Virgil's favorite breakfast food. "Hey Kiddo! What cha making!" Patton said cheerfully. "Its what are you making Patton." Logan said as he walked in to the living room to read. "Are you making Virgil's favorite food?" Logan asked. "Yeah" I said (1000 words) "could you bring him down here pat?" I asked kindly. "Sure thing kiddo!" Virgil walked down the stairs and came to me. "Need help Princey?" "No thank you my Emo Nightmare." He blushed red. I went to get water when I started coughing rapidly again. When it stopped I almost fell over cause of how dizzy I felt. "P-princey? Do you have the hanahaki disease?" He asked concerned and a hint of heartbroken in his eyes. "Well I um I.....yeah I do." I saw Logan pull Patton out of the room. "W-who is it?" He asked. He sounding like he was on the verge of tears. I sighed and I pulled him up to my chest and made him look at me. "Princey?" I kissed him. He kissed me back and it was the best moment of my life. When we pulled away I said, "I love you Virgil. I know I should have told you about the hanahaki disease. But hey u don't feel flowers in my throat anymore." I said smiling. Virgil laughed softly and said. "Its okay and I love you too." He pulled me to kiss him again and I gladly returned it.

Longest one shot so far. Send requests and have a wonderful day my lovelies!

1,218 words~

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