Kisses in the rain. (prinxiety)

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Requested but the person was on Snapchat. They do not want to be revealed. Made a second One shot book. Sander Sides one shots.

Third person:
It was a normal day except that it was raining very hard, Virgil always looked forward to the raining days because it would always calm him. He loved to feel the droplets of water hit is face fast, but gently too. Virgil woke up earlier then anyone else today which was very unusual. He was beaming with joy at the sight if rain and got dressed, after that he ran straight outside. He stood in the middle and looked up at the blue grayish sky and closed his eyes letting the cold wet water droplets hit his face in a weird kinda soothing way. The wind was freezing and he was getting soaked but he didn't care, he loved the way it felt.

Roman's POV:
It was a raining day so I thought I would get some tea and watch a movie in the living room. I walked  over to the TV and put a movie in and went to get some tea. While making my tea Logan and Patton came in holding each others hand.."hey Gays!"(it corrected guys to gays and I thought it was funny😂)  I said greeting them.
"Salutations Roman."
"Hiya kiddo!" I smiled. They grabbed a bowl of popcorn and a drink.
"Aww. Are y'all finally going out together?!" I said teasing them. The both blushed then Logan spoke up.
"I'm happy you know that we are indeed going on a date.. Something you aren't able to Ask Virgil." Logan stated smirking. I blushed and turned forward the window. Logan and Patton left but something caught my eye outside- well more like someone.
"Virgil?!?" I said then grabbed my jacket and an umbrella then ran out there.
"Virgil!" I called out. He must be super relaxed because he didn't even jump all he did was look at me with his amazing and bright eyes that always seem to make my heart beat speed up and stop at the same time. God I really love him.
"Hey Princey. What are u doing out Here?" He asked calmly.
"I could ask you the same thing." I said and he shrugged. I realized he was shaking so I did the first thing that came to my mind. I pulled him to my chest and held him dropping my umbrella. He gasped.
"How long have you been out here!? Your soaking and shaking.. You should come inside with me." I said stroking his hair but I soon gasped and shivered when I felt a hand go up on my bare back. Pulled away and looked at him and smiled. He smiled back at me. I really love you.. I thought or.. At least I thought I did. I saw his face go bright red and his eyes widened.
"Y-You... Love m-me?" He said.
"I said that out loud?!?"
"Yeah.." He said looking down but pulled me closer to him. I was already soaked but for some reason.. I didn't care. All I did was pull him closer and moved us so our faces were only centimeters away. With the rain falling between us I kissed him, not roughly but softly and gently. With the rain and everything around us, it felt Like a dream come true. I pulled away. He kept his eyes closed for a couple of seconds but when he opened them a smile spread across his face.
"Virgil, would you like to go on a date this Saturday?" I asked he nodded and kissed me once more.

Leave requests and have a great day my lovelies
613 words

Prinxiety & Logicality one shots {Completed}Where stories live. Discover now