Jealously (Prinxiety)

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Two in one day?!?
Tw:heated make out, cussing

Roman's POV:
Right now I'm really pissed off. You may be wondering why well, My brother Remus found out I have a crush on Hot Topic, since he found this out he's been flirting with Virgil every chance he gets and he makes sure I'm in the room. I walked down the stairs to get a drink when I see Virgil sitting on the counter. I looked around and didn't see Remus so I guess I can try and flirt with him.
"Hello Hot Topic ~" I said flirtatiously. He turned red and looked up at me.
"H-hey Princey. What cha need?" He asked taking off his headphones.
"Nothing. Just came for a drink. Hey do you wanna hang out?" I asked.
"O-oh I would love to Princey." He said smiling. Before I could say anything else Remus walked in looking smugly when he saw me.
"Hello Emo. You looked extra hot today~" He said winking then kissing his hand Virgil blushed and took his hand away quickly.
This made me quite mad.
"If you don't mind Remus. Me and Virgil are hanging out right now in my room. So sorry." I said then picked Virgil up bridle style and took him to my room.
"T-thanks Princey. But I thought we were hanging out later.." He was blushing red and playing with his hoodie strings.
"W-well um you looked uncomfortable and um, yeah.." I said nervously. He smiled at me which made me blush I walked over to the TV.
"What movie do you want to watch?" I asked.
"Aladdin please." He said then sitting on the end of the bed. I put in the movie. After the movie was done I realized that he was asleep so I layed him on my bed and laid there next to him and fell asleep.

              Next day~

I woke up to Virgil falling off the bed and a red face.
"Are you okay?!" He nodded quickly.
"W-what happened? W-why were we in the same bed?" He asked blushing. I felt my face heat up.
"W-well you were asleep and I was tired too so I laid you down then I went to sleep!" I said in a rush he nodded then stood up, I stood up too.
"Patton probably made food." He nodded. After breakfast I walked into the hallway to see Remus pinning Virgil to the wall and he's leaning in  like he's about to kiss him. Virgil looked really uncomfortable so naturally it made me more pissed off. I teleported Virgil to me so my hands were around  his waist and his hands were around my neck. Remus smugly looked st me while I glared at him.
"Don't you ever fucking touch him again." I said with a lot of venom in my voice.
"And why is that? Its not like he's your boyfriend, now is he." Remus said clearly mad. I was really mad now. So I said the first thing that came to my mind.
"He is actually so how about you back away from MY boyfriend." I said then sinked out to my room. Virgil's face was as red as my sash.
"Since w-when am I your b-boyfriend?" He said clearly flustered. I was blushing red as well. I decided to tell him.
"Virgil. I like you a lot and I was um well jealous and I hate seeing you uncomfortable because you mean so much to me.. I understand if you don't feel the same." I said I looked back at him and he had tears in His eyes then he smiled at me and kissed me. I kissed him back and wrapped my hands around his waist and he wrapped his around my neck. I asked for entrance which he opened. I pinned him to the wall and attacked his neck.
"R-Roman~!" I found his sweet spot so I left a Hickey there. I pulled away again and kissed him softly once more then pulled away. We were both panting.
"I love you. Virgil. Will you be my boyfriend?" I asked holding his cheek.
"I would love to, Roman." I smiled and kissed him once more   I pulled him to the bed and sat down. I patted the space next to me but instead he sat on my lap. 
Maybe I shouldn't be that Jealous but.. Who wouldn't flirt with him?

Leave requests and have a great day my lovelys
751 words

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