Cuddling. (Logicality)

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Tw: So fluffy and sweet that you may get cavities. I'm obsessed with the song above.

Third person POV:
Cuddling. Something Logan used to think was dumb and/or unnecessary... Thats was until Patton and him were Cuddling. Logan always looked forward to the early morning or late in the day or even night. He looked over at the sleeping Patton and couldn't help but smile down at him. To normal people Patton was just a friend, or Dad in Virgil's case. But to Logan, Patton was his everything. When ever Logan would over work himself Patton would come at come and sit on his lap and cuddle into his chest until Logan stopped  and cuddled with him. Logan gave Patton a kiss on the forehead... But before soon that small kiss turned into a bunch of kisses all over his face and soon Patton woke up giggling in that adorable way Logan loves so much.
"What are you doing logie?" Patton asked while giggling a little still.
"I'm showing you how much I love you by kissing you about as many times as I can." Logan said. Only to kiss Patton about twenty more times.
"We should get up dear." Logan said while sitting up only to be pushed back down by Patton and cuddled up too.
"Nooo! Can we cuddle some more before we get up? Please babe." Patton begged and Logan couldn't say no to him.
"Only 10 minutes." Logan said. Patton and kissed his cheek. Logan smiled and pulled Patton close to him once more. Cuddling was defiantly Logan's favorite part of the day.

Send Requests if chu want. Have a great day my lovelies!
276 Words

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