Truth or dare

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Cayla: I renamed it because why not? Anyways there's two dares today! IputthePANinPANic dares Deceit to let Roman throw him out the window!

Deceit: since when was I an option?!

Cayla: since I Added you. Duh.

Deceit: I did  sign up for this!!!

Roman: who cares?!? I get to throw you out the window!

Roman picking deceit up: YEET!
(throwing him out the window)

Deceit: AHHHH!!!! HELP!

Roman and Me laughing

Cayla:o-okay... The next dare is that Roman you have to kiss Virgil then walk away like nothing happened. Btw my friend sent Me this.

Roman silenced and blushing:......what? F-fine.. Virgil!! Come here!!

Virgil: yeah Princ-

Roman kissing him: bye. *runs*

Virgil: i-um-he-... What just HAPPENED?!

Cayla: well... Leave truths and dares and we need some Logicality and Remceit or Deemus... Just any ship honestly.
Btw go follow IputthePANinPANic she's really cool! Have a great day my lovelies!

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