books and cookies (logicality)

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Okay so its been a while and I should be getting my phone back tomorrow or the next day??? Anyways I will be trying to post twice a week and I hope you enjoy the story!

Patton's POV:
I was cooking cookies in the kitchen because I was hungry and bored. Logan walked in after I put the cookies in the oven and sat on the couch.

"Salutations Patton." Logan said looking up from his book and at me.

"Hi, Lo!" I said cheerfully like always. You see I kinda have a crush on Logan... I mean how can you not! He blushed a little when I called him Lo but I ignored it for now at least. I wanted to see if he would blush again so I decided to just try and ask him something while using the nick- name.

"Hey do you know where Virgil and Roman are Lo?"I asked making sure to use the name 'Lo' he had a pink tint go across his cheeks.

" u-um I think there in the imagination together... Why might you ask?" He asked setting his book down and looking at me. The timer went off some in pulled out the Cookies and have him one.

"Just wondering... Hey what book are you reading?" I asked grabbing a cookie and sitting down next to him. He pulled the book away from me but before he did I got a glimpse of it, it said 'how to tell someone you love them' maybe he likes me!! I would be the only person left since Roman and Virgil are dating along with Deciet and  Remus and We never really see Remy to much anymore sadly.. All my kiddos are dating someone but me..

"Lo... Do you... Love someone?" I asked hesitantly not wanted to push him or make him uncom- fortable. His face became red. I was still eating my cookie but a piece was still out and Logan decided to bite that piece so your lips were a centimeter apart. He pulled away from my face and said,

"Yes i-i do hold romantic f-feelings for you Patton." He said still blushing. I smiled widely. I the hugged him, he must of been caught off guard because he was hesitant before hugging me back. When we pulled away we looked in to each others eyes.

"P-patton can I kiss you..?" He asked his voice only a whisper.
I simply nodded then he connected our lips and this was the happiest I've been in a while. When we pulled away I hugged him the snuggled into his chest. He pulled me closer to him.

"Patton would you like to be my boyfriend?" He asked me in a soft voice.

"I would love to logie Bear." I said cuddling into him more he summoned a new book and started reading it out pound so I can listen too. I summon one of the cookies and ate that while listening to my new boyfriend.
'I guess books and cookies really do go together.' I thought while smiling

Okay once again I'm sorry but I hope this was okay and please leave requests because I'm running out if ideas... I hope you all have a wonderful day my lovelies
549 words~

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