Bullies. Part Two. (still prinxiety)

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Part two! Btw I will be posting twice a week and comment if I should do a prinxiety highschool au!
Tw:heated makeout, sex mention, hair pulling, and cussing.

Virgil's POV (bet you didn't see that coming):

I walked away from Roman and walked to the library to check on Logan.... But what u saw made my jaw drop... Patton was holding Logan's tie and kissing him and Logan is holding Patton's face... Yeah I'm getting a picture for black mail. I walk out and sit in class. I see Roman glancing at me, I pull me art book out and start drawing Roman since class started in like 3 minutes. Once the teacher comes in she says that were changing seats... Yay.

"Okay so the first pair will be.. Joyce and Azuli! (My Ocs) Thomas and Joan, Tayln and Leo, and Roman and Virgil!" She says after that I stopped listening, she tells us to move so I moved right next to him after we are all moved I realized that we were in the very back and that he was really red, I smirked then put my hand on his thigh and started rubbing circles on the inside of his thigh.

"V-Vee we have a project that w-we have to do." He said whispering and bitting his lip. I smirked.

"Your right. We should have the fun at my house." I said in his ear  then painting my drawing like I we were supposed too. He whimpered a little then started on his drawing. After art was over I had Science then Lunch. The teacher went to the room next door while all the other students were leaving. I grabbed my stuff then Roman pulled me and pecked me on the lips then left. I walked to class and took notes of the stuff we learned. After that was done I walked to lunch with Logan, Thomas, and Valerie. I saw Patton come run up and hug Logan. We were all surprised by this Thomas and Val probably because they don't know Patton and me because Logan Hates physical contact. Patton pulled away from Logan and logan kissed his cheek.

"Salutations dear." Logan said while smiling. We all looked at them in shocked.

"Your dating?!?!" We all said in usion.

"Yes. We knew each other last year and we decided to start dating this year cause we both liked each other." Logan says while pulling Patton close to him. I smile then realize that Romans not here.

"Hey Patton do you know where Romans at?" I ask

"Yeah he's behind the school I think." He says I nodded then walked to the back of the school and say Roman there. He hasn't notice me yet so I wrapped me hands around his waist and said 'hey there princey. ' he yelped but then saw it was me.

"Oh hey... I wanted to ask you something." He says nervously
'Oh no he hates you. He's just using you' I thought but what he actually asked.

"Will you be my boyfriend?" He asked holding out a purple rose. I grabbed the rose and kissed him solfty.

"I would love too." The bell rang so I went to class.
                   *time skip*
I saw Roman at the gate and ran up and hugged him. He hugged me back and before he could say anything I intertwined our fingers and we started walking to my house.

Once we were in there I placed our bags down next to the door and pulled him to my room.

"I like your house and your room a lot.

" thanks."

"S-so what are we gonna do?" He asked face red and playing with his jacket. I smirked, I then pinned him to the wall and started kissing him, he was quick to respond. I asked for entrance and he gladly opened. My hands made there way up his shirt while his were in my hair. He accidentally pulled a piece of my hair which made me moan in to the kiss. I pulled away then he pinned me to my bed and started attacking my neck.

"Fuck~R-Ro~ " I was a moaning mess. After about 15 minutes both of us were only in our boxers. He looked st me for permission which I nodded too.

                 *1 hours later*

Me and Roman were cuddled up next to each other. We did it and he was my first and I'm happy I was. I was about to fall asleep till I heard

"I love you, Ve."

"I love you too, Ro" was the last thing I said till I fell asleep.

I hope this is okay btw comment if y'all want a prinxiety Highschool au. I hope you all have a great day my lovelies
800 words~

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