truth or dare gone wrong.. (both)

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Okay so this is a smut story and my school starts tomorrow and I'm fucking scared... Oh and there's cussing involved. Anyways enjoy!

Patton's POV:
I was playing with my plush Pug feeling bored when I got an idea to play a game with the others I went downstairs and saw Roman there.
"Hey Roman! I was wondering if you would like to play a game?" I asked he looked up and smiled nodding.
"Should I get the others?" He asked looking at me I nodded.
"Could you Virgil while I get Logan please?" I asked kindly.
"Of course Padre." He said going to walk up the stairs. I smiled to my self and went to Logan's room. I knocked on his door. He opened it.
"Ah. Salutations Patton, do you acquire my assistant?" He asked straightening his glasses.
"I was wondering if you would please play a game with us." I said crossing my fingers hoping he would say yes. I've had a crush on him for awhile now.
"Well, I don't have any work to do so, I guess it might be fun." He said smiling a little. I smiled and grabbed his hand and pulled him to the living room me and him sat on the floor. A minute later I saw Roman pulling Virgil down the stairs and over to us.
"So what are we playing Pat?" Roman said sitting down.
"Truth or Dare!" I said Excitedly. Virgil was about to walk away until Roman grabbed him and pulled him down next to us. Virgil finally agreed to play with us.
"who is going first?" Logan asked.
"I will!" I said cheerfully.
"Um.. Kiddo! Truth or dare?" I said.
"Dare I guess.." He said looking at me. I smirked at got a good idea.
"I dare you to kiss the person u feel most comfortable with kissing in this circle.'' I said still smirking. He blushed red.

Virgil's POV:
I thought that since it was Patton the dare wouldn't be harsh.. But oh how wrong was I. I glanced at Prince and he blushed a little. I crawled over there at sat down I front of him at kissed him. He kissed me back immediately. I pulled away and sat at my seat again. I as blushing a lot mostly because I may or may not be in live with him.. Haha..
" Logan, Truth or Dare?" I asked quickly.
"Truth." I thought about a question then u got one.
"If you had to date one of us who would it be?" I asked Logan. He blushed a little at the question.
"W-well.. Out of all of u guys I would probably pick.. P-Patton."
He said Blushing a light red. I smirked.
"R-Roman truth or dare?" Logan asked Roman.
"Dare like the brave prince I am!" He said doing his signature pose.
Logan raised an eyebrow.
"Fine then. You have to let Virgil sit on your lap for the next 3 rounds."  Logan said. Me and Roman Blushed madly.

Roman's POV:
What. The. Hell. Logan?!? He's the only one who knows about my crush on Virgil! I looked at Virgil and scooted closer to him. He blushed then he sat down on my lap. I cleared my throat.
"Patton, Truth or Dare?" I asked.
"Truth!" I smiled evilly.
"Is it truth that you have a crush?" I asked. He went pink then laughed nervously.
"Y-yeah.. That true.." He said.
"Logan truth or dare" Patton asked.
"Dare." Logan said monotoned.
"I dare you to kiss your crush." Patton said.

Logan's POV:
No. No. No. No. I have a crush on
Patton! I glanced at each of the sides then I pulled Patton to me and kissed him. He went wide eyed then kissed me after a while I pulled away and realized that Roman and Virgil were gone. I looked back at Patton and he pushed me to the floor and started kissing me harder. I kissed back quickly and then we took each others Shirts off then we went back to kissing each other 'I Wonder what Roman and Virgil are doing?' I thought. Then Patton started taking my jeans off.

  ~Meanwhile with Ro and Virge~

Roman's POV
Logan kissed Patton but they didn't pull away. Virgil stood up and pulled me with him. Our rooms were next to each other so we went in front of his room. I looked down at our intertwined hands and notice that he was hard. I smirked then hugged him. He was shocked bit then hugged me back. I started kissing and biting his neck. His face went red immediately.
"R-Roman~ what about the o-others~" he said a little anxious but then moved his head so I had more room. I pushed him against the door and opened the closed it.
"Now we're alone~ but I need to know something first." I said then looked at his blissful expression. Face red panting. He gave me a confused look.
"Do you love me and do you want do this?" I asked him he gave me a smile.
"Of course I love you.. And I really want this. Roman.. I love you." He said then kissed me softly. I took of his shirt and pushed him on the bed. He was trying to get my jeans off. I chuckled then took both of our jeans off. We were both in our boxers. I started kissing his V-Line while palming him. He was red faced, panting and moaning, and mouth open. I took off his boxers and started bobbing my head at a fast pace.
"R-Ro~ god I l-love you so fucking much!~"

~Meanwhile with Patton and Logan~

Patton's POV:

"L-Logan!! Ah~ I love y-you!" I said. Logan was pounding into me and I was moaning. He started kissing me. We had a sloppy makeout. He then started biting my neck.
"l-logan~ I'm gonna c-cum!~" I said. He smirked then went to my ear.
"Cum for me pat~" Logan said in a low voice. And with that I came all over our chests. Logan pulled out panting. We cleaned everything up then got our clothes on. We went up to Logans room and cuddled. All of a sudden we heard.
"R-ROMAN~" Me and Logan looked at each and laughed a little then went to sleep.

Romans pov Bonus:
I woke up before virgil so I got changed. After I got changed Virgil woke up. He got out of bed and fell when he went to stand. I went over and helped him up. He clings on to me.
"You fucked me to hard last night." He said while holding me arm. I bursted out laughing. I kissed him then helped him to the bed.
"Don't worry. I'll go easier next time babe." I said then kissed him softy.

I'm done! Finally! I hope you guys enjoyed and leave requests and anyways have a great day my lovelys!
1171 Words

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