Im sorry.. (Demus)

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Tw: bad language, two gay ass darksides yelling. And One Author who keeps procrastinating cause shes reading Reddie fanfics! (Me)
Requested by: ExplainThatCode

Deceit's POV:
Remus kept being a dick like usual but he was Extra annoying today. Kept making those fucking Gay or Snake or those idiotic dick or ass jokes. I love him... A lot but sometimes i wish I didn't. I sighed as I was pulled from my thoughts as I heard Remus say another joke. But this time, it was about my scales. Before I could stop myself I slapped in and face, hard. He looked at me with  surprise and sadness.  my eyes widened with fear, sadness and most of all... Disgust.. Not disgusted of him but of myself. I had tears in my eyes and I tan and hugged him and apologized many times.
"De it's okay.."
"No its not!! I shouldn't have hit you. I'm sorry again." I said and kissed him cheek were I had hit him.
''What did you do it for tho?" He asked looking up at me. I sighed and looked at him.
"You've been very rude lately about snakes and those Dick jokes you make really annoy me. Then you said something about my scales. I hate when people mention my scales it really irks me y'know?" I said. He nodded and I kissed him softly.
"You could have told me babe."
"I know but.. You never listen to me and I know the jokes make you happy and I like seeing you happy so I never said anything about it." I said kissing him once more.
"Tell me next time okay? I want you to be happy also." He said. I nodded and he smiled. We got up and went to go watch a horror movie and eat popcorn while snuggling.

Hope y'all enjoyed and if anyone is making a loser club oneshot book. (Reddie or so) please tell me and i will read it right away! Have a great day my Lovelies.
338 words💜

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