The Birthday present ~ (Prinxiety)

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We got some smut! Btw thank you guys for the vote chapter, it really helped me figure out what you guys actually what to see. A kinda long chapter?? Anyways enjoy~🌹
Tw:Smut! Blowjobs. Crying, Daddy kink. Bite kink. And basically just your average smut.  😉

Virgil's POV:
I was  in my room crying. I was crying because it was my birthday today and no one noticed. I'm not surprised honestly but..  It still hurts though.. I was crying until I heard a knock at my door.
"Who is i-it?" I choked out.
"Virgil? Are you okay? Its Roman. Can I come in?" He asked. I started freaking out. Wait. Why is he here at 11:00 P.m? Never mind. I get up and pull my hood on and fix my makeup.
"H-Hold on!" I said quickly.
"I'm coming in!" He said. Then opened the door. I still had red eyes and tear streaks.
" Virgil.. Why are you crying?" He asked softly. I tried to push him out but he grabbed me and pulled me into a hug.
"Don't push me out Virgil.. I want to make sure your okay." He said while making me look at him.
"Its my birthday..." I said quietly. He gasped then hugged me tighter.
"I'm so sorry! Is there anything I can do?" He asked kindly. Without thinking I kissed him. I pulled away after a couple of seconds when I realized what I just did.
"O-omg! I'm s-so sorry I didn't m-mean t-" he cut me off by kidding me deeply. I kissed him back. I'll just enjoy the kiss till he comes back to his senses.

Roman's POV:
Virgil just kissed ME!?! OMGONGONG! He was rambling an apology but I cut him off by kissing him deeply. He kissed me back. I pushed on to the bed and straddled him. He was a blushing panting mess.... And I was enjoying every second of it. He pulled at my shirt and I smirked. I pulled off my (very complicated outfit) Prince shirt. Then pulled his off. I started leaving Hickeys on his neck until I found his sweet spot. I kissed all around it making him wine. I palmed him roughly. Making him moan.
"D-Daddy!" He said. He the covered his mouth in embrassment. I blushed then went to his ear.
"Say it again~" I purred in his ear. He shook his head.
"I-its embarrassing.." He said, his face flushed. I smirked.
"Fine I'll just make you say it then" I said I then continued to roughly palm him and leaving Hickeys from his neck to his v-line.
"Daddy!~" he said while running his fingers through my hair. I smirked. When I got to his V-line I looked at him then decided to bite his V-line instead of taking down his boxers and giving him what he wants.
"R-ro~ need you.. Please daddy ~" he said. I smirked.
"What would you like baby ~" I said  already knowing what he wanted but I just wanted to tease him.
"Damit Princey, just Fuck me!" He said. That was all I needed to hear. I took off both our jeans and I was pleased to see a wet spot on his boxers. I looked at him for permission and he nodded. I took off his boxers slowly, his Hard on sprung free. I licked my lips then I put the tip into my mouth.
"Ahh~ D-Daddy ~" he moaned loudly. I started to bite the tip making him moan even louder.
"H-harder! Dig your teeth in please!~" he moaned out. I smirked and bit the tip harder making another lewd sound leave his mouth. I took all of him in my mouth and started bobbing my head at a fast pace, slowing down at times to tease him. He was a moaning mess.
"C-Close!" He warned. I smirked and went faster, he came in my mouth with a moan of my name. I swallowed all of his cum then took my boxers off and kissed him.
"Need prep?" I asked. He shook his head no. I put his legs over my shoulder and slowly pushed in. We both moaned loudly. I waited so he could get adjusted.
"M-move please~" he said. I started at a slow pace then started to go fast.
"D-Daddy ~ clOSE!" he said but he already came on both of our chests. After a minute or two I came in him. I pulled out and summoned a wash cloth and cleaned us both up. I got my boxers on and helped him with his.
"So.. Are you still upset that we forgot your birthday?" I asked pulling him to lay down with me.
"No. I'd take that as a birthday present any day." He said. I chuckled and pulled him close to me.
"Hey Ro? Is this you know... A one time thing or-" before he could finish I kissed him deeply he kissed me back
"I would love to be your boyfriend Virgil." I said. He smiled and cuddled in to me more.
"I love you Ro"
"I love you too Virg." And with that we both fell asleep in each others arms.

Okay so I'm only really gonna be able yo post on Saturdays because on Sunday I'm gonna be with my grandparents learning Spanish since I take Spanish class. Leave requests, and have a great day my lovelies!
915 words.

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