Cant find out! (Prinxiety)

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Could be taken as platonic or romantic to be honest. Requested by the wonderful IputthePANinPANic so thank chuuuu!!!
Tw:  a little crying. Trans!Virgil

Romans POV:
Me and Virgil have became great friends and I honestly really enjoy hanging out with him! But something weird happened today... We were watching a movie and Virgil had his Jacket zipped all the way up which isn't like him. I hugged him but then he pushed me off of him. He said he doesn't like physical contact. But before he was able to push me off of him I felt something in his shirt. I of course shrugged it off as nothing but I'm now curious.

I walked into the Kitchen to see the Emo Nightmare himself. I decided that to see if there is something under his shirt that I would have to hug him from behind. I'll make conversion first tho.
"Hey Virgil!" I said happily. He looked over a smiled at me.
"Sup Princey. What cha need?"
He asked looking at me.
"What? I can't say hello to my friend?" I asked putting a hand on my chest for dramatic effect. He laughed then turned back around. I walked up behind him then hugged him. I  definitely felt something under his shirt now. He tried pushing me away but I kept still.
"Virgil? What's under your shirt?" I asked carefully. All of a sudden he started crying. I let go of him and hugged him whispering that he's going to be okay. He looks at me with watery eyes.
"I-i cant tell you.. Y-your hate m-me!" He says. I was shocked.
"We're best friends Virgil. I could never hate you.. I Promise.
"I-im... Trans. " he said I looked at him and smiled.
"I don't care if your Trans Virgil.. You are whoever you want to be and I promise that the others won't care if your Trans either.
" No! Please don't tell them! I beg of you! I just don't feel comfortable with telling them just yet.." He said looking down. I nodded my head and hugged him again. But this time he hugged me back. The rest of the day we watched movies and looked at funny memes together.

Hope that was okay. I'm running out of ideas. Send requests please! Have a great day my lovelies!
395 Words~

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