Cooking (Prinxiety)

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Virgil's POV:
It was 2:45 A.M I just woke up and was a little hungry. I walked downstairs and saw Princey trying to cook.. Key word.. "Trying" there was flour on the floor and on him.  I chuckled and turned around.
"Oh yeah Virgil." He said looking embrassed. I smiled and walked over to him.
'' what happened? " I asked still chuckling.
"I can't cook!" He said in a winy voice.
"I can see that. Don't worry you'll get better with more practice. I was bad when I first started out. But now I'm pretty good." I said. I grabbed a rag and started cleaning the counters.
"You can Cook?!? Please teach me!" He said turning me around and grabbing my shoulders. I blushed and nodded.
"Yeah I'll teach you.. Whatever. We have to clean this up first though." I said he nodded and we began cleaning. After we were done cleaning I grabbed pancake mix.
"Were gonna make some pancakes cause' its easy and when the others wake up they will have something to eat." I reasoned with him.
"Okay. Can we make the confetti one?" He asked looking at me. I nodded. We started mixing the stuff together then he put them in the pan. I was flipping them but then I felt someone hug me.
"Thanks Virgil.. You know. Even tho we fight. Its fun to be around you." He said then looking at me. I smiled at him.
"I like being around you to Roman.." I said with a light blush on my cheeks I placed Hus head on my shoulder while I finished the last 3 pancakes. I placed them on the plate with the 7 other pancakes. I pulled out two plates and put two on each and added Syrup. I handed him his plate but he placed it down I looked a him confused then he placed his hand on my waist and his forehead on mine.
"R-Roman what a-are you d-doing?!" I asked he smiled then kissed me. I was shocked but I kissed him back. We pulled away after a couple of seconds.
"R-Ro.." I said still stuttering.
"Thanks for helping me with cooking.. But I'm hungry for something other then pancakes." He said pulling me even closer. I was still blushing but I gave him a confused look. When I asked why, he smirked and went to my ear and said.
"I was hoping to have you as a snack~" he said seductively. And with that he picked me up and we went to my room.

Hope you enjoyed this and I accidentally left out someone from a shout out.
Anyways leave requests and have a great day my lovelies!
(Btw who saw descendants 3?! RIP Cameron.. Much love)
467 words

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