Best b-day ever. (prinxiety)

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Tw: a heated make out. Sex Mention.

Virgil's POV:
Today is my birthday, which is awful because I hate people throwing me a party. But this time just me and my boyfriend are gonna cuddle all day! So I'm happy.

Roman's POV:
Me and Virgil have been dating for about 4 years and Patton finally convinced me to ask him to marry me. Today is his birthday so I decided to do it today! I hope he accepts it, I really love him.

Virgil's POV:
Me and roman were in his room while watching movies. All the others left so it was just us in the house. I started to feel small kisses on my neck, then he pulled me closer by the waist and started kissing my neck once more. "R-roman?" He pulled me even closer so my back was against his chest. "Yes my Emo Nightmare ~" he said in a flirtatious tone. "W-what are you d-doing a-ahh." He left a hickey on my sweet spot so I accidentally moaned.

'Thank god the others aren't here' I thought. He then pulled my chin to face him, he kissed me, so I kissed him back. He started to bite and tug on my bottom lip asking for entrance. I decided to tease him and didn't allow him. He growled then pinned me to the bed so I wrapped my legs around his waist. He kissed me again. I denied to deepen the kiss so he moved his hand under my shirt. I moaned so he found this to be the perfect time to deepen the kiss. After about an hour of us just making out I realized the position we were in. I had no shirt on but neither did Princey. I was under him and he was kissing my waist line right above my jeans. He stopped and kissed me on the lips again.

"I love you so much Virgil~" he said with his eyes filled of lust and love. "I love you so much too roman." I smiled at him. "Virgil.... Can I make you feel as good as you look?" He said his hand on my jeans. I knew what he wanted and I wanted it to. "Yes. Please Roman."  I said blushing a vibrant red he smirked.

NOPE NOT SHOWING THAT NOPE!!!    1 hour later~

Roman's POV:
After me and Virgil had our "fun" I decided this was the perfect time to ask him. "Virgil you know I love you more then anything and today was amazing, right?" I said. "Yeah. I love you so much too and that was new but amazing none the less." He smiled then pecked my lips. "Well Virgil I want to be with you for the rest of my life and I want to know if you would make me the happiest man in the world. Virgil Sanders, " I got off the bed and on one knee and asked him. He already had tears in his eyes. "Will you marry me?" I asked. He was crying then he started nodding his head then jumped on me so we both ended up falling. "YES!! A million times yes! I love you too!!" He said then kissed me hard. When we broke apart I slipped the ring on his hand. We put our foreheads on each other and looked in to each others eyes then he whispered something I was happy to hear.

"Best birthday ever. Thank you...... my husband"

Hope this was good! I really wanted to do this and I might do one with logicality too! Remember leave requests! Have an amazing day my lovelies!!

611 words~

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