Those Words.. part 1 (prinxiety)

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Okay so a smut. Sex story.
Tw:blowjob, Stroking, Palming,  teasing, cussing, and I'll but a line for where the smut starts.

Virgil's POV:
I got invited to a party along with Roman and Logan And I think my brother Patton is going. I am happy that Roman is my soulmate. Ive been searching for my soulmate forever. Plus we are both bi so that's good.

It was the night of the party and I was walking with Logan And Roman. We walked in and I saw my step brother Patton so I went over to him. "Hey pat." I said "hi Virge!" He said happily. "Where is your boyfriend or soulmate I should say." He said with a wink. i blushed then looked behind me but he wasn't there he was with logan. "I'm gonna go and dance with him. Are u and your other friends gonna dance?" I asked him "yep! Don't worry about me go have fun!" He said kindly. I waved goodbye and walked over to Roman but before I could grab him a boy came up and kissed him.. I walked away I saw Roman push him off and run to me. "Virgil! Please I didn't want to kiss him." That boy looked a little like me. The girl called everyone to play spin the bottle. So far 3 people went with another person in there. It was my turn so I spined and it landed on Roman. 'I'll show Roman that I'm serious about kissing other guys' I thought.
      A little smut but not a lot.

We walked in the closet together. "Virgil.. I didn't want to kiss that guy I promise I'm so-" I cut him off by kissing him deeply and pulling off His jacket and shirt. "Your my soulmate not his. You and your lips,body and you in general is mine." I said seductively. I kissed His chest while his hands were in my hair. I kissed his lips once more while palming and grinding on his crotch. "3 minutes!!" The girl from out side yelled. "v-virgil~" he was bitting his lip to stay quiet. I stopped then got my jacket on and he got his shirt and jacket on and when time was up I walked out like nothing even happened.

The party was over and Logan and Patton wanted to walk to logan and Roman's house so Roman drove me to my house. "Virgil... What was...that in the..c-closet..?" He asked blushing hard "here's my house." I said blankly not answering the question. He sighed then walked me to the house. I in locked the door and allowed him to come in if he wanted too. He did. I locked the front door and went to my room. He followed me in there which is what I wanted. I locked the door then smirked. "Virgil I want an answer. Why do u think I wanted to kiss him. And what h-happened in that closet with u-us?" He asked blushing. I pinned him to the wall and kisses him, he kissed me back. I let go of his hands and wrapped my hands around his waist while he put his arms around my neck.
              SMUT WARNING

I laid him down on the bed. His legs were wrapped around my hips and he was trying to pull off my jeans and shirt. I started sucking on his neck. "V-virgil~ a-ahh~ that's sensitive." He said. "Oh? Like this is sensitive?" I put my hand in his jeans and started jerking him off. "V-virgil~ please! I w-want you. Please!" He kept moaning. "Oh? And how do you want me?" I said teasing him. "Damn it virgil. Just please!" I stopped jerking him off and kissed him. He growled then flipped us then he started to get my jeans off. Once off he kissed my thighs then took off my boxers and started bobbing his head up and down fast. "R-Roman~!! Please! D-dont sgood. a-ahh~!" I was a moaning mess but it felt soo good. "Need prep?" He said opening some lube." No just fuck me already please!" I said being inpatient.
"Its gonna hurt." He said a little concerned. "I'm already stretched. Okay now ca-" before I could finish he pushed in. "A-ahh~!!! Move! P-please~! I said he started slowed then went fast. He hit a bundle of nerves. " R-ROMAN~~! what was t-that." I asked while panting. "V-virgil I'm g-gonna c-come~." He said. "M-me too." I said a few more hard thrusts and we both came with a scream of each others name. "T-that was n-new." He said while panting and pulling out. "Was it a bad type of new?" I asked hesitantly. "Fuck no. That was the best thing ever." He smiled at me then pulled me into a kiss. We cleaned up then snuggled all night long.
'I finally found the man of my dreams'

That was new and I hope it was okay.. I'll do more smut if u what just request.
Have a good day my lovelies <3
863 words~

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