Cheating...? (Prinxiety)

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Tw: cursing, fake cheating. Gets fluffy tho.  Human! Au They wanted fluffy angst and this is what i got!
Requested by @Chole121Chambers

Virgil's POV:
It was mine and Romans anniversary so I was gonna cook him his favorite food but then Remus his brother told me that he saw Roman making out with Remy. I didn't believe it but then my friend Phoenix told me the same thing. We were friends for 20 years! We're both 25 right now. I heard Roman come in and all those thoughts came to my mind I started crying.
"Hey babe I'm bac- what's Wrong?!?!" He said coming towards me l. He went to hold my hand but I slapped his hand away. He looked shocked and hurt but I don't care.
"HOW COULD YOU!" I yelled sobbing now. He was taken back by this.
"What d-did I d-do..?" He asked quietly
"You fucking cheated on me.. WITH REMY! One of my BEST FRIENDS!" I yelled. I went to leave buy grabbed my hand before I could.
"LET ME FUCKING GO!......please..."
"Who told you that??"
"Remus and Phoenix!'' I said wiping tears with my open hand.
"Remus and Phoenix are trying break us apart b-because I r-rejected Phoenix when we started d-dating and R-Remus is in l-love with y-you." He starting yo cry and stutter. My eyes widened and started sobbing louder. I turned around and hugged him tightly. He hugged me back. We stayed like that for awhile. After I cooked us food and we ate then we cuddled whispering sweet nothings in each others ear.
"I love you, my Kitten~"
"I love you too, My Prince~"

There you go! I might start a poetry book or miraculous One shot book. Probably poetry book first. *shrugs* anyways have a great day my lovelies!

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