those words...part 2 (logicality)

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Tw: sex story (smut) blowjobs
Soulmate au, heated make out, teasing. (I think that's all???)

Logan's POV:
I was walking to a part I got invited too I was walking with roman and his soulmate Virgil.
"Hey logan? You never told us what the words on your wrist say." He says."oh um well, my wrist says.. 'Should we kiss?' I don't understand why those are the first words my soulmate ever says to me " I say. I don't understand it but whatever.
"Wow. A little forward?" Virgil says while chuckling.
"You said to me 'do u want me to take you home?' Now who's forward?" Roman says looking at Virgil. "Well you said that you would love too so whos really acting forward?" Virgil says. "Fair enough." We all laughed.

Once we made it too the part Virgil went to talk to a cute boy in a blue polo and a grey Cardigan wrapped around his shoulders. I saw Roman dancing with someone. It looks like Virgil so I guess it was. The girl called everyone to form a circle so we can play spin the bottle. After a couple of rounds it was my turn. I spinned and it landed on that cute boy that was with Virgil from before. We walked in the closet. We stared at each other for a second.
"Should we kiss?" He asked. 'Wait. Those are the words on my wrist!' I thought before I could control myself I said something.
"Please- I mean!" Before I could take back what I said he pulled me by my tie and kissed me. I kissed him back he started grinding on me I moaned into the kiss.
"3 minutes!!" The girl yelled from outside. He pulled away and whispered in my ear. "Your a good kisser.....soulmate." He kissed my jawline. "A-ahh~" I covered my mouth out of embarrassed.

The time was up we walked out of the closet. After the party was done I told Virgil and Roman that I was going to walk home with my soulmate. "Hey I never got your name." He said. "O-oh I'm Logan, Logan Sanders. What's yours?" I said "Paton Angel! I'm gonna call you Logie from now on!" He said cheerfully. When we reached my house me and him went to my room. I locked the door.

                   SMUT HERE

Patton grabbed my waist and started kissing my neck. "P-patton ~ a-ahh~" he took of my tie and shirt. I took off his shirt and Cardigan. He pushed me on my bed and started taking off my pants. "P-patton p-please.. I need you~" I said. "Just hold on~" he said. we started making out passionately, once he got my pants off fully he started kissing my chest just to tease me. "P-patton stop teasing p-please ~" I asked. He chuckled then took my boxers off and started sucking the tip. "PaTON!!~" be fore I could finish he took me in his mouth. He started bobbing his head once I came I pushed him on the bed so we could make out sloppily while I jerked him off. He came on my hand so I cleaned us up. "Logie~ can we cuddle? Please Logie~ he said pulling me next to him. " of course dear."  I said lovingly while pulling him to my chest. I pulled the sheets to us them we fell asleep in each others arms..

Hope this was okay I'm still sick so I'm sorry! Anyways have a hood day my lovelies!
593 Words~

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