Truth or dare 2

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Cayla: we got more!! Okay so
Faithloves_pugs has something for everyone! Let's start wiitthhh.... roman!

Roman pops out of nowhere: did someone call?

Cayla: for once, yes. You have to throw Remus out the window.

Roman: Gladly. It will be payback for the last video.. And when he flirted with Virgil....

Cayla smirking: what about Virgil??

Roman blushing: n-nothing! Let's go get Remus!!

*Roman sneaks behind Remus.*
*Remus looking out the window*
Roman pushes him: GATCH BITCH!!

Remus: HOLY SHI-*Hits the grass*

Me and Roman Laughing: let's get deceit now..

Cayla: DECEIT!

Deceit: OW! you didn't just break my ear drums.

Cayla: you'll get over it. Anyways you have to kiss Remus  have fun!

Deceit: wait wh- and she's gone.. Ugh. wait. There's Remus..

*deceit Runs up and jumps on Remus."

Remus: FUC- *Deceit kisses him smack dab on the lips*?!?

Cayla:.... Well. Now let's get Virgil.

Virgil: What the Fuck?!?

Cayla: Watch your fucking language.

Virgil: but you just- whatever.

Cayla: do you have a crush on Roman?~

Virgil:?!? I-I mean.. Yeah.. I..I think I'm in love with him..

Cayla:Tell him!

Virgil: No! He would hate me! Continue your Truth or dare thing!

Cayla: okay... Remy! Who do you like~?

Remy: honestly sis. I kinda like Emile. He's weird and kind.

Cayla: Awe. Remus! Kiss Deceit.

Remus: FINALLY!* Walks over yo deceit and pushes him down while kissing him.

Deceit: ?!? * Remus walks off*

Cayla: wow... Well Patton ask Logan who he likes!

Patton: oh! Sure thing kiddo!

Patton in Logans room: Logan who do like?

Logan Jumps a little: oh. Salutations Patton. I can't tell you but yes I do indeed hold Romantic Feelings for someone.

Patton: okay thanks!

Cayla: LOGAN!

Logan: Salutations. How may I help you?

Cayla: you gotta kiss Patton.

Logan: *window error noise*..... O-okay...

Logan walking up to Patton: I'm Sorry.

Patton: about wh- *logan kisses him. Kisses back and wraps arms his neck*

Cayla: damn. Well guys um.. Hope you enjoyed and my friend and I are doing a challenge where you have to do a book with your four favorite Fandom's so I'm doing a truth or dare book called.
"Everything Truth or dare" so check that out and it has to have 50 chapters and you get a dollar per chapter made so. Leave Truths or Dares on that book and have a nice day my lovelies!

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