Truth Potions. (Logically)

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Patton's POV
I was cooking lunch when Logan walked in, he was smirking and looked proud of himself for  something.

"Hey Lo! What's got you so happy?" I asked with a smile like always.

"Well.. I made a potion of truth. Then gave it to Virgil and Roman found out so I basically helped them become a couple." He said smirking. He's really happy which makes me happy!

"Aww cool! They needed to get together." I said finishing up the food.

"Would you like some help?" He asked gesturing to the food.

"Yeah that would help. Thanks!" I said. He nodded then started helping me. After dinner me and Virgil cleaned up. I wanted to get my drink when all I saw was a Apple Juice looking drink. I shrugged then took a sip. Logan came down the stairs and came to me looking Curious.
"Patton.. Did you drink that?" He asked looking at me.
"Yeah." I said. He had wide eyes then went back and pinched his nose. Roman came down along with Virgil too.
"Is everything Gucci?" Roman asks. Logan sighs.
"No. Patton accidentally drank me truth potion." He looked at me while Roman and Virgil smirked.
"Hey dad I have a question. Do you by any chance have a crush on someone?" Virgil asked leaning on the counter. Why Virgil?!?! You see I have a massive crush on Logan and they both know this! I tried to say no.
But I couldn't.
"Yes and its L-" I slapped my hand over my mouth. Roman and Virgil were giggling while Logan had wide eyes.
"D-do you like m-me Patton?" Logan said looking flushed. Virgil and Roman left.
"Y-yes I love you.. A lot." I said blushing then Logan grabbed my cheek and kissed me softly when we pulled away I hugged him. He was surprised but hugged me back none the less.
"I also love you, a lot, Patton." I smiled and kissed him again. He kissed me back and smiled into the kiss.
"C-could we um... Cuddle maybe?" I asked looking hopeful at him.
"Of course dear." He softly and gently grabbed my hand and then we cuddle together all day long.
Maybe potions aren't as bad as I thought. Was the last thing I thought before falling asleep in his arms.

Leave requests and suggests. Have a great day my lovelies
402 words

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