Bullies. Part one (prinxiety)

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Hi! This was requested by
I hope this is okay! Btw Human AU!!
Tw: gets heated so not full on smut

Roman's POV:
I woke up to my alarm clock. Ugh. School... I hate school mostly because three of my ex- friends started spreading rumors about me and told every one I'm gay so people have started bullying me... A lot. But one person did become my friend after that because he was gay too so him and my crush are the only reason I still go to school.

                  *le time Skip!*
After I got dressed and walked out the door and too school. I was walking when all of a sudden


Some one fell on me and when I looked up I felt me face heat up.
You see the person I bumped into was my crush whose name is Virgil Black, he was amazing at drawing got good grades.. And not to mention he looks like a Emo Nightmare but he's the student Council president too.
He stands up and holds his hand out for me to help me up, I gladly take his hand while blushing quiet a lot. There's a rumor that he's gay but no one believes it... Go figure.

"I'm sorry are you okay?" I ask hoping he's okay and to maybe become friends by this small conversation

"Yes. Wait aren't you Roman from my art class?" He asks blushing a little from embarrass- ment probably. 'God he's cute' I thought. Plus he knows my name!

"Y-yeah your V-virgil Black the council president right?" I ask pretending to not know the answer.

"Yeah.. You have um English along with my brother Logan right? I'll walk with you if you want.." He says looking down. OMG YASSS!!!! Step one walking with each other do- wait. There's thirty minutes before class and that guy usually goes after me before class as well as after. Maybe he can help me? No I shouldn't but... I really want to hang with him so... I'll walk with him.

S-sure! Only if you have time of course! " I said rambling a little. He smiled a little at me then we both started waking to English while getting to know each of too so it was amazing! Except for all the mean looks I got from people while walking by. When we got to my class my best friend Patton came out and hugged me... He knew about my crush so I was a little scared to say the least.

"Hi Roman! Wait.. Your Logans brother Virgil!! I'm Patton Angel!" Patton said cheerfully like always. Virgil said hello and said hi to Logan. Before I was about to go in Virgil grabbed my hand.

"Here's my number... If you get bullied or just want to talk... You can cone to me, bye Princey." He said with a blush then walking away... For being all 'emo' you'd think he would be mean but no.. He's really nice actually. I realized I was just standing there so I went in to class. I didn't pay too much attention cause I was daydreaming about Virgil {bet you didn't see that coming ; ) }

After class me and Patton went to walk out when all of a sudden someone tapped Patton's shoulder. We turned around and it was Logan.

"Salutations Patton and Roman." He said monotoned.. Wait how did he know my name?!!?

"How do you know my name??" I asked curious mostly because him and Patton were partners do I never talked to him... Maybe it was Patton??

"From my brother Virgil. He talks about you quite a lot. Now can Patton and I study in the Library since I'm his tutor." He asked looking at me and Patton. Virgil talked about me!!!!!

"Um sure..? I'll see you at lunch Pat!" I said smirking a little at Patton. Logan nodded while Patton waved good bye. The Hall way was clear do the student Council members usually check the Hallways while we get free time. I put my stuff away when all of a sudden someone grabbed me and pinned me to the locker.... Great... Its Deciet with his squad. Remy, and Remus, before Deceit could punch me Virgil ran over and stopped it.

"HEY!! We do not hit people! I'm sending all three of you to the office. Now." Virgil said in a stern voice. They all went without much of a fight. Virgil looked at me with soft eyes.

"Are you okay Roman? Does this happen often?" He asked bringing me face close to him so he look at my face to make sure I wasn't hurt any where else.

"Y-yeah I'm fine...and yes it does happen... Its usually my gut tho." I say blushing cause of how close our faces were and I couldn't keep my eyes off of his lips. He must of noticed because he blushed a dark red. I started walking forward which made him walk back .... That is until his back hit a wall.

"R-Roman? What are you d-doing?" He asked stuttering a lot. I put my hand on his face and pulled his face close to mine so my breath was ghosting his.

"Virgil... Can I kiss you? Please." I asked my eyes drifting back to his eyes. His eyes were filled with
Want. Affection. Fear. And also... Lust.

Instead of taking saying something he smashed our lips together. After about a minute we pulled away then we kissed again but this time I asked for entrance by bitting his bottom lip. He gasped so I slipped my tough in his mouth clearly taking dominance. His hands were in my hair while mine with holding his waist from under his shirt after a while we both pulled away a string of saliva connecting our lips. We were both panting a lot, both of our faces flushed. Virgil smirked then went to my ear and whispered in my ear.

"Meet me after school at the front gate... We can continue at my house if you want~ my parents aren't gonna be home for another week and Logans spending the night with someone so we'll be all alone~" he said lustful. My face went red at the thought of what he meant by countine this and that it will only be us.. Hell yeah I'm going. The bell went off so Virgil kissed me once more before heading off the Art which is both of our classes so this should be fun. I wonder what Patton and Logan are doing? I shrug it off and head to class very happy and Nervous about what's gonna happen at his house...

To Be Continued...

Okay so I'll do a part to but I'm losing my internet tomorrow morning so here's something for you guys to read for now I'll do any request and have a great day my Lovies ~
1157 words~

Prinxiety & Logicality one shots {Completed}Where stories live. Discover now