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Falling in love is way too easy, compared to what love brings with it.

Maybe we just shouldn't love, in order to protect ourselves.


The rain drummed against the window, as the train drove further and further away from your hometown. The place that you grew up in. The place that carried your heart.

Jee had his small hands tightly wrapped around your arm, the poor seven years old having to experience his first train ride without his mother.

"You'll make it Y/N. You are strong."

You scoffed silently, slightly switching your position to rest your chin in your palm.

Were you really strong? Or did your mom just say it to comfort you?

Nonetheless, you could need some strength.

The city you were moving in was big and cold. You would be lonely.

But Haru seemed to be a nice man so far and your mother deserved a man like him; someone who cared for her and would take care of her. Not someone who leaves her right after impregnating her.

That's why you would never get the idea of complaining about this rushed move to another city.

"Everything is going to be better in Seoul." Was what your mother had said.

But for you, everything had been perfect in the small town you had grown up in. 

Unlike your mom, who probably had way too many bad memories attached to this place. You understood and respected her decision.

"Why does it take so long?" Jee mumbled and you smiled, pulling the small boy onto your lap, "Seoul is far away from Yeungjo. We'll have to wait a bit longer."

Your brother huffed and let his head fall back against your chest. Jee was probably the one suffering the most through all of this, the boy - your half brother - was still so young, yet had to make all these exciting and confusing experiences.

It was hard enough for you to explain him, why his daddy wasn't with him anymore, or why you two had different dads. How the hell were you supposed to explain him that he's going to have an actual father soon?

You wrapped your arms around him, needing the kind of comfort only your brother could give you. Your loud, annoying, bratty little brother, whom you loved with your whole heart - especially after he was all your mom had left after this fucker left the both of you when you were only eight.

First your dad and then Jee's. Hopefully Haru wouldn't be such a disappointment as well.

Your mom always joked about how her taste in men was as bad as your taste for clothes, but every time she said these jokes out loud you saw the sadness in her eyes.

Jee turned his head upwards, meeting your rather absent minded gaze curiously, "You said that we're going to have a new dad."

You nodded, "Right. That's why we're leaving Yeungjo, remember?"

The young one nodded eagerly, "And a new brother too, right?"

You grinned and pinched his nose, "Though I don't know if I can handle another brother."

He stuck out his tongue before snuggling back into his original seat and closing his eyes.

It was good of him to sleep. That way he wouldn't be too exhausted when you'd reach Seoul.

You just wished you would be able to sleep like that as well. But it wasn't that simple.

A train of thoughts kept you awake, deprived you from sleep for... how long now?

How would you come across to your new classmates when the new school year starts?

How would living with Haru and his son be?

How would Seoul be?

And most importantly; Would the three of you finally find the man you could rely on?

You really wanted to have someone to call your father.

But what you even more wanted was your mother and Jee to be happy.

Latter's head slumped against your side as he began to silently snore, peacefully like always.

Your hands wandered up to the seven years old and you absently stroked his cheek, mind running miles as your thoughts got lost in a swirl of what-if's about the new life you were soon to start.

A new home, a new school.

And a new family.


Amy's back with a new one

Please don't be a quiet reader I'm a whore for feedback


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