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Graffiti painted walls..

That's what embraced you instead of your mother's warm hug, but you didn't show your disappointment. Instead you quickly took both your bag's in one and Jee's hand in your other hand before making your way out of the train station, taking in your first impression of what would be your new home - Seoul.

"It stinks."

Yeah, your little brother had a point but you just ruffled his dark hair and said: "That's what the mask is for, silly."

He shrugged, pulling a little bit on said mask, before going back to clasping his small hand around yours.

It's been quite a journey to Seoul; the train being delayed by an hour and having to take a detour due to works on the original route. Now you had to find your way to a place you haven't ever been to, without any money, in the pouring rain of South Korea's capital.

No, life wasn't on your side today.

You glanced down at the note with Haru's address, that your mom had left for you two and then lifted your head, searching for any street signs that indicated you where to go. Haru had told you that his house was near the station, so you supposed that you wouldn't have to search long.

A young woman in business attire came in your direction and you hesitantly waved at her, "Uhm... excuse me where-"


The woman walked past you, not even sparing you a glance and you bit your lip frustrated, ignoring the worried gaze of your little brother, who seemed to not fully comprehend his situation.

"Can I help you?"

You almost got a heart attack as a bulky looking man in his forties addressed you and you needed a moment to understand that he must've witnessed your pathetic attempt of getting the woman's attention.

"Actually, yes." You answered warily, "I'm searching for... this address."

You explained, pulling out the note. The man read it concentrated, before his face lightened.

"Jiog Alley? That's about twenty minutes away from here." He explained you the way detailedly and you felt more than glad that people like him still existed, otherwise you would be entirely lost.

"Thank you so much." You said bowing, making the man shake his head smiling, before you quickly turned the way he had explained, dragging your brother behind you.


Clean white walls.

Haru's house seemed like a peaceful island in this city jungle and your heart calmed a bit at the sight of this almost boring looking, simple building.

Jee ran to the door excitedly, ringing the bell multiple times, before a laughing Haru opened the door, heaving the small boy up in the air, making Jee giggle happily.

Unlike you, Jee had only seen Haru once and you were happy that he seemed to like his soon-to-be step dad so much already.

"Did you have an exciting journey?" Haru asked, already knowing about the trouble with the train and you smiled slightly, "Well, it certainly wasn't boring."

"Ahh my babies are home!" Your mom rushed in, crushing you in a hug that made you almost lose your balance, "Careful mom. On of those babies wants to live."

She just sighed happily, taking your luggage out of your grasp and turning around to her fiancé, "Let's go in and introduce the children to Jungkook, shall we?"

Haru nodded. You smiled as you noticed how he rested his hand caring on your mother's back, while holding your brother with the other.

You hadn't really wasted much thought on your step brother. All you knew about him was that he was male and that his name was 'Jungkook'. You didn't even know wether he was older than you, or if you would get another lovable pest like Jee.

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