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A click and the rattling of keys and Jungkook entered the house.

You turned around leaving the dirty dishes you had been cleaning up behind.

Jungkook looked tired and drained but nonetheless, there was a smile on his face - his typical polite and distant one, "Hey, I'm sorry that I'm back this late."

You didn't answer, just watched him quietly taking off his shoes and scarf, "Hoseok was here."

Jungkook immediately halted in his current movement of taking off his coat. His expression went from the friendly smile to a completely stern one, his eyes hardening to the point that the looked like ready to commit murder.

His head whipped around and he made two fast steps towards you, "Who?"

"Hoseok." You repeated, "The dude you were with yesterday."

"This is impossible, I took care of never telling him where I live." There was irritation and pure anger dripping from his voice and you didn't really comprehend where this was coming from all of a sudden.

"Well, he was here. We talked." You stated shortly, curious about Jungkook's reaction.

You didn't have to wait at all for mentioned reaction because, in the blink of an eye, Jungkook was right in front of you, pushing you against the dinner table.

 "What did he say?" He snarled.

You blinked surprised, off guard by his sudden out burst and 100% sure that he'd regret acting this way later on, "I'm not sure..."

"Y/N." He gritted out, "What. Did. He. Say?"

That's right, you're living with a broken creep.

You stared up at Jungkook who was towering over you, long locks falling into his eyes and yes, you really were scared of him in that moment. What were you supposed to say? You hadn't understood the riddles Hoseok had uttered, how should you explain something to Jungkook you didn't understand yourself?

"I-I didn't understand him, h-he was saying weird stuff." You bit your lip frustrated, hating yourself for stuttering like that. But really, Jungkook's whole aura was just so intimidating and your only thought was how he could really hurt you now, without anyone being near to help you.

The older's eyes ran over you face and widened, before he backed off enough for you to breathe freely.

"Y/N." He repeated your name insistingly, "I'm sorry but you have to tell me what he told you."

You gulped, feeling your blood rush through your veins and clenched and un-clenched your fists on your sides a few times before talking, "He said that you couldn't help yourself from doing weird stuff after something happened. And that I would come running into his arms soon for some reason?"

There was clear confusion in your voice.

Jungkook stared at you blankly for a moment before sighing and running a hand through his dark hair, "This was bullshit, don't worry about it."

Your body stiffened when he again reached forwards and wrapped his arms around your body, pulling you close.

"Don't worry." He repeated, but really it felt like he was trying to convince himself more than you.

It was quiet for a few seconds, before you mumbled into his shoulder, "Then why did he come all the way to here, knowing that he'd meet me?"

Your step-brother's arms tensed around you and he pulled back, "Because that's what he does. He's a bad person, okay?"

"Then why do you spent time with him?"

Because I'm a bad person

That was the answer that hung heavy in the air between you but the boy just shook his head, "You're too good to know about stuff like that."


Almost-healthy Jee had his head pillowed in your lap while you read out a story for him (one of the privileges you get when you're sick) when Haru's car stopped in front of your house, your happily chatting mom getting out of it, soon followed by a smiling Haru.

"Hello my beloved children!" Was your mother's enthusiastic greeting when she entered, Jee immediately rushing from his place on the sofa to hug her.

"Mom, am I getting another sibling now?" Jee asked innocently, making your mom shoot you an accusing glare which you answered grinning with a shrug.

"No, I don't know if I can handle another little demon running around my feet."

Jee pouted disappointed.

"Oooh Jungkook." The woman now whistled suggestively at the twenty years old, who had just entered the room to greet them and was now wearing a confused expression.

You followed your mother's eyes to be boy you had been avoiding till now, noting the hickeys that were showing through his sloppy cover of a black turtleneck shirt. Only now you realized that your mom must've never seen the marks he came home with every Sunday before, what meant that this was something new for her.

Haru sent his son a warning glare, making him tug up his collar nervously, "Mosquito bites."

Your mom giggled, "Of course."

"Mom!" You groaned, earning an amused glance from both your mother and Jungkook.

"Nevermind." Haru brushed it off, "How was your weekend?" 

Jungkook looked at you alarmed and you sighed, "Jee was sick most of the time."

"Oh, no. I know he was about to get ill." Your mom pouted, "I should've stayed at home."

"Nu-uh" You said, "He's alright now, don't worry mom."

She smiled, "So, Jungkook and you took good care of your brother?"

You cocked a brow, glaring over to Jungkook who looked as if he was trying to hide behind his glass of water, "Yeah..."

"Great! I'm glad you get a long well." And with that the newly married couple disappeared to put away their luggage, leaving you alone with your step-brother.

"Yeah..." You mumbled, watching Jungkook put down his glass and disappearing upstairs as well, not before tugging up his collar again.


my voice doesn't exist anymore lmao I can't talk


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