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The innocent pureness of your brother was the only thing keeping you from constantly thinking about the glorious sight of Jeon Jungkook's chiseled body while all of you were sitting together at the breakfast table to 'bond' as your mother had called it.

This 'bonding' was actually Jee being a walking mess, as he was in pure bliss with his family having grown by two people, your mom professionally ignoring him, Haru reading news paper and Jungkook trying his best to keep Jee entertained while you watched the whole scene while sipping your tea.

Yeah, you could get used to this.

The atmosphere was pretty homey, since you already were familiar with Haru and mainly had either your mom or Jee around you, only Jungkook seeming so awfully distant to you because of one reason: Everything he did, every inch of his being seemed just so perfect to you. Jeon Jungkook was flawless.

He looked like a damn god, was always nice and thought full and managed to even make your mom laugh with his wittiness. It truly was frustrating.

Just like when he walked in your room while you were busy putting your clothes is your closet. Both Haru and your mom were out to buy new sheets for Jee, so you were left alone with the two boys.

"Are you hungry?" Jungkook asked, while watching you folding your shirt before putting it to your other clothes, more as a distraction than anything other, "We could order pizza."

You were about to deny since you had so much left to do, but then the mere thought of pizza let you almost drool, so you nodded, "Okay, but let me quick go ask Jee what he wants and find my purse."

As you were heading out of the room, the older gently grabbed your arm, making you freeze in your spot, "It's my treat, okay?"

Your brain didn't have the capability to argue at this moment so you just nodded, mumbling a 'thank you' and quickly leaving to Jee's room.

The pizza was quickly delivered and you soon found yourself sitting on the floor around the small table in the living room, between Jungkook and your half brother.

If it hadn't been for Jee, you probably wouldn't've been able to handle the awkwardness, but right now you were very thankful for the youngest babbling.

Latter got soon interrupted by a small 'ouch' and him holding his cheek, eyes looking like that of a hurt puppy.

You turned around immediately, worried gaze scanning your brother's face, "What happened?"

"Bit my tongue." He mumble incoherently, tears forming in his eyes and you cursed Jee's clumsiness.

Like you used to when he was younger, you quickly scooped him up in your arms, huffing at the increased weight and carried him to the sink were you filled up a glass of cold water for him to drink.

You felt Jungkook's eyes on you from behind and glanced back for a second, only to see him attentively watching you with a soft smile on his even softer looking lips.

Nothing did you want to know more than what was going on in his head right now, but your brother's complaints distracted you.


"You have school in two days, are you excited already Y/N?" Haru asked as you were sitting together at dinner table.

You gave him a small smile, "Of course I am."

He laughed quietly, "That's good, but don't be worried. Everyone at the school is very nice, right Jungkook?"

Jungkook - who didn't seem to have listened - blinked confused, until he took a grasp of the situation and smiled, "Yeah, I used to go there too before I went to uni. Very nice and helpful teachers."

"Oh right, you're applied to an university." Your mom remembered, resting her chin in her palm, "What do you study?"

Jungkook's eyes light up - you could easily tell how passionate he was about this topic, "Photography and filming. I was interested in this ever since dad bought the first camera for me."

Haru laughed, "This old fossil?"

You didn't say anything as usually, following the conversation rather passive.

Photography huh?

Of course, this was a very interesting topic to learn about, but also so... common.

You couldn't really tell what made you notice it, but Jungkook seemed so neutral. With all his flawlessness, his perfect visuals and super nice behavior he seemed too perfect. Like perfect mom friend. Like the perfect boyfriend.

But you knew oh so well that perfect people didn't exist.

So, what was Jeon Jungkook's flaw?


I'm sorry the first parts turned out to be more boring than I expected but school starts soon for Y/N what means drama beaches


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