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You hadn't meant to sneak through Jungkook's stuff and technically you didn't, really.

It was just that, when he proposed your mother to drive you to school since it was your first day and everything, you had ended up sitting in the middle back seat, his bag laying right to your feet, there was this immense urge to do something that would distract you from the heavy presence of Jungkook in front of you.

That's why your gaze had wandered downwards to the bag - that was one of those typical university student's ones, with one strap to carry over your shoulder - and that's how you noticed this weird silver thing in the side pocket.

It was purely impulsive curiosity that lead you to lean down to inspect the silver object further, just to immediately go back up when you realized what it was - handcuffs.

You met eyes with Jungkook through the rear mirror, and felt like he was eyeing you punishingly, as if he knew what you did, but maybe it was just your imagination.

You averted your eyes, watching Seoul's streets flowing past you instead.

Why the heck would he carry handcuffs with him? He studies photography.

You almost blushed at the thought that popped up in your head, not believing that the nice, perfect Jungkook could be into these  kind of things. But then again, you shouldn't judge a book by its cover, right?

It's not like he doesn't have the right body for-

You restrained yourself from banging your head against the window, glad that the car was stopping in that very moment.

When you stepped out of the car it felt like you were taking in a deep breath after holding it for a long time.

You thanked Jungkook for driving you but he waved it off, "No problem, really. It's on my way anyways."

Then he winked, "And just that you know, if you get a Ms. Wang as your math teacher, run."

You laughed softly, trying to cover your blush "I'll remember this."

You didn't look back when you entered the building.


Students were whispering when you stood in front of the class.

Why were they whispering?

Why the fuck did they look at you while they were whispering?

You felt beyond uncomfortable when you walked past the rows of seats, taking your place in the third last row from behind and taking out your school books, trying to ignore the attention you were getting, because of what felt was not only the 'there's-a-new-student' interest the others maybe had in you.

You knew you wouldn't make a lot of friends the way you were trying your best to ignore your new classmates, but the uneasy feeling in your chest prevented you from doing anything near socializing.

"Hi, I'm Lou."

You almost got a heart attack when the girl who was sitting besides you spoke to you all of a sudden, your had snapping in her direction, "Uhm Hi, I'm Y/N."

The girl giggled, "You introduced yourself earlier, remember?"

She had dark brown hair and face traits that you would describe as 'sharp', reminding you a bit of a hyena - without wanting to sound rude.

Lou leaned her chin in her palm, eyeing you with open interest, "So you know Jeon Jungkook huh?"

oh okay

"Apparently you do too?" You said, no, rather asked, confused as why this random girl - pardon - Lou would 1. Know Jungkook, 2. Know you knew Jungkook and 3. Be interested in Jungkook.

"Doesn't everyone?" She retorted, what made you all too curious about what Jungkook did outside of his house.

"I don't know, why should they?"

"You really don't know?" Lou's face looked as if someone just told her that she's Santa Claus' lost child, "Because..."

She leaned closer, "Because he's a nympho."


"Miss Lee, would you please leave our new student alone." The teacher scolded, making Lou fall back in her seat.

You looked at the girl in disbelief, not quite understanding what she meant by it, but the smug look on her hyena face was enough for you to decide that you did totally not like her.


Apparently Jungkook really was famous - you could almost say notorious - as you heard his name almost every time you walked past a group of students and, no, you didn't want to know why. Yet.

During break, the unusual attention got too much for you and you hid yourself in the only place that you knew would be empty at this time: The library.

This library was very different to the one you knew from your home town; bigger, cleaner and definitely more modern.

You sat down on one of the tables an leaned back, sucking in a deep breath. What a marvelous first day.

Someone was sitting on the opposite side of the table, but you ignored this someone.

That was until your gaze fell onto the book he was reading, the all so familiar blue cover shining in your direction with the title 'The Girl That Brought Hope'.

Your heart skipped a beat when you remembered reading the book at 3am and your eyes wandered up the person who was reading.

Soft looking, brown hair, an olive colored beanie and big black glasses that covered half of his quite chubby face.

"D-Do you like the book?" 

Damn you suck at doing conversation.

The boy wasn't bothered by your clumsy attempt of talking to him and he looked up with a bright eye-smile, "I love it so far, you read it?"

You smiled softly, "Of course I did. I love how the author managed to make a mute character so endearing and-"

"No spoilers please." He interrupted you dead serious and you bit back a grin, as his glasses slid down his nose in the process.

"I'm sorry." You said, fighting the urge of leaning over to put on his glasses properly.

"It's okay." The boy said smiling again, before his brows creased in a frown, "Aren't you the girl who got out of Jeon Jungkook's car?"

You groaned, "Why does everyone in this school seem to know him?"

The brown haired stares at you for a moment before his shoulders slump down, "I don't have the slightest clue. I just know that he's got some kind of reputation, but you know, no one talks with me about such things."

He sounded a bit sad, his lips forming a pout.

 "Great, no we can talk together about how we don't know what the others are talking about." You said, gaining a blindingly bright smile from him, "I'm Y/N."

He sighs relieved, his eyes forming cute crescents as he talks, "Nice to meet you, I'm Jimin."


Hi I'm not dead

btw 'the girl that brought hope' is a real story, that sadly hadn't been translated into English yet but really I could go on the whole day about how beautiful and sad and beautiful this book is, Anna is such a strong girl she doesn't deserve what happened to her and Zelda is the most amazing person ever I love her omg bye


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