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Being woken up by your little brother's coughs was never a good thing and you had quickly jumped out of your bed to feel Jee's temperature that was alarmingly high

Like the good sister you were, you had fussed over him immediately, ordering him to stay in bed, making tea and stroking his head until he fell asleep back again.

You left his room with a worried expression and almost bumped into Jungkook, who was able to hold you at distance with both his arms.

"Carefully." He said smiling and you blinked up at him confused, "Huh?"

He laughed quietly, "Hey, I just wanted to apologize for yesterday, I wasn't in the best mood you could say."

The devious bad-boy Jungkook from the evening had disappeared, being replaced by the familiar angel you always saw around, friendly and thoughtful. How confusing his steady change of personality started to get.

"No, problem, really." You assured him and he nodded smiling, the topic being finished for him from then on.

Good thing Jee didn't need to go to school the next day, because he still was coughing violently, his fever not having eased down yet but you were positive that he'd be fit by Wednesday.

Jungkook also remained like the last days; staying home to help you take care of Jee during the day but magically disappearing as soon as it was dark outside.

You were 100% sure he was some vampire who was out hunting at night, not even Jimin could convince you from something other.

 "You could say he is out there hunting, but it's definitely not for blood." Jimin said when you sat together in your room Monday evening.

You coughed at his words and nudged his side, "Don't say such things. We don't know what he's doing."

He skidded closer towards you, as both of you were lying on their tummies on your bed, "I know what he's doing. Stop trying to defend him."

He had his big square glasses draped over his nose, while his brown hair rested over his forehead in messy locks, not caring about how he looked in the moment.

"I'm not defending him! There's nothing to defend him for in the first place." You mumbled the last sentence. Sex is nothing reprehensible, right?

"As long as it's nothing illegal it isn't, that's true." Jimin said, his voice making clear how it definitely was something illegal to sleep with minors.

You sighed and turned on your back, facing the ceiling. Like always, it felt like Jungkook was a barrier between your friendship with Jimin and neither of you was able to get over it.

You turned your head into the boy's direction, who had his face pressed in the mattress, "You don't have to answer this but.... uh- how was he?"

Jimin turned his head towards you, a blush creeping over his cheeks and down his neck, "Well..."

He cleared his throat and turned the rest of his body towards you, adjusting his glasses, "Uhm- he was... rough? Reckless, as if he wanted to turn my brain into mush. Or as if he wanted to forget everything. It was dirty."

His last sentence wasn't really a surprise to you and you heaved yourself up on your right elbow, now looking down onto your friend with a grin, "Did he handcuff you?"

Jimin choked and tried to cover it up with a cough, "No... well yes, he used his belt, he didn't seem to like me being able to use my own hands."

"Seems like he enjoys to control." You said teasing the poor brunette, who was a blushing mess by now, "Let's just not talk about this!"

You laughed out loud but it died down when the door to your room swung open and a shivering little Jee entered the room tiredly, "Can't sleep..."

He mumbled, waddling towards you with open arms and half closed eyes.

You cooed at your brother and heaved him up onto your bed hugging the little sleepy head, "Do you want to sleep in my room tonight?"

He nodded and only then realized that you two weren't alone, "Look Y/N, the fairy is here."

Jimin covered his mouth with one hand and you giggled at his shocked state, "That's right Jellybean. Do you want him to stay until you fall asleep?"

The little boy hummed and Jimin stayed until Jee was snoring in your arms.


You were mad at Jungkook. Really.

All you had asked him for was to get the medicals for Jee from the pharmacy - what would've taken him five minutes - but now he hadn't come back in half an hour.

You grabbed your coat and closed the door behind you with a loud bang. 

Fucking. Medicals. Was that this hard? That not even the perfect Jeon Jungkook could get them?

You tried to but couldn't even reach him over your phone, now having to leave a dead sick Jee alone to get him his medicine.

You stomped around the corner unknowingly, yelping in shock when you felt a hard grip around your upper arm and someone pulling you into a small alley.

"Look what I found Kook! If that's not your precious little sis."

A guy with dark brown locks, high cheek bones and an worn out band-shirt was holding you tight while looking you up an down in a way that made your guts turn. You felt so small all of a sudden

"Fucking hell, let go of her Hoseok." Jungkook's voice said behind the stranger, who immediately let go of you as if he's been burned.

Your mouth was like taped shut and you didn't say anything when Jungkook encircled your shoulder protectively, while this Hoseok dude was still eyeing you like a fresh piece of meat, "And you said you wouldn't go near your step-sis?" He licked his lips, "What a waste."

Your eyes fell onto the cigarette that rested between Hoseok's fingers as he was casually tapping against it with his index in a steady rhythm, his foot tapping to that very beat like he couldn't hold still.

You hated the smell of cigarettes, always did. And maybe the fact that Jungkook radiated this very smell shook you out of your weak trance.

"Not my problem if you guys need to stick it in every living being you meet." You stated, removing your step-brother's arm from your shoulder.

"Whatever, I'll get the medicals now."

Jungkook's eyes widened at your words, "Fuck, I'm sorry I forgot-"

"Save it." You said with a sigh, readjusting your coat while already being back on your way to the pharmacy.

The unsympathetic people Jungkook surrounded himself with.


hoseok is not a sunshine in here


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