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Maybe you did get caught up in yourself while standing outside, letting the cool breeze swirl around you. It was getting colder, after the summer slowly took its end, but you enjoyed it that way. 

You were almost startled when you heard steps behind you, seeing your mother coming closer as she was beaming at you brightly. 

She stopped besides you, watching the city and streets underneath you and lowered her hand onto your shoulder.

"Remember what I told you back in Yeungjae?"

You nodded, "Change is good'. But I already know that mom, don't worry about me please."

She smiled slightly, "Yes, but that wasn't what I meant. Before I left to Seoul the one day before Jee and you did I told you that you would make it, because you are strong and I meant it. I've never seen a girl more generous an strong than you Y/N and you don't know how happy I am that you're not only agreeing to this marriage but allowing yourself to trust a man again, like I did."

She closed her arms around you, engulfing you in her familiar hug, "Thank you."

Every time she hugged you it had felt like home and this hadn't changed till today, what you were truly thankful for. After Jee's father had left all three of you when you were only eight, it had felt as if the ground had been pulled underneath your feet and you found yourself feeling 'hate' for another person for the first time. For the person that made your mom cry and almost give up on life, while she was struggling through a problematic pregnancy, almost loosing her child.

Only Jee's birth had lightened up both your lives so at the end, the little boy had been both your savior. 

You peeled yourself out of your mom's hug to look at her properly, "Don't be silly mom. How could I not agree to you marrying the man that made you so happy?"

Your wonderful mother almost teared up as she took a small step backwards, "That's what I meant. Please, have fun for the rest of the night."

You nodded smiling and followed her back inside, where she immediately was greeted by her fussing older sister Minnie.

You stepped past your aunt, wondering if this would be how you'd act when Jee married, lost in your own mind as you strolled through the quite large building.

You actually had wanted to search for your little brother to check if he drank anything yet (he tended not to whenever he was excited) but got distracted when you found yourself in a strangely familiar situation; Haru's angry voice behind a closed door - just that this time Jungkook talked back.

"I swear if you just look at any girl or boy within this building, I will throw you out!" Haru threatened, "You'll ruin our reputation and my wedding, do you understand?"

You were ashamed of yourself, but the curious cat inside you had its ears perked up when Jungkook scoffed, "What do you think I am? I'm not a scumbag dad."

"Oh, that's exactly what you are and you know it." Haru countered and you sucked in a breath at Jungkook's next words: "And so are you, but we don't want them to know, right?"

"Leave Yoona and her children out of it. This is all past."

Your heart beat quickened and you suddenly asked yourself what atrocities Haru hid, with an adventurous son like this. In that moment you realized that you didn't actually know anything of Haru, but you couldn't follow this thought any further, because you heard foot steps coming towards the closed door and quickly rushed back to the other guests, not wanting to be caught eavesdropping once again.

 Haru and Jungkook followed close after you, Haru hurrying to his freshly baked wife but Jungkook looking rather indifferent at the whole scene of guests dancing and enjoying themselves.

He stood, just like you, offside the rest, not seeming to care about them. Or maybe he was just scared that his dad would take his threat serious and didn't want to talk to any guests just to be safe.

Unfortunately, your dear aunt Minnie noticed the two outsiders and was quick to approach her new prey, that she would sure as fuck involve in any social engagement, if only this would mean that everyone had their fun - because apparently she made it her mission to give her little sis the most perfect wedding one could have.

"Y/N darling!" She cooed and you unconsciously backed away from her, but she already had caught you in her tight grasp, "Why is a pretty girl like you standing on the side all alone?"

She talked so loudly, that your mother's and other heads turned to the pair of you, what seemed to  spur on Minnie even more, who had now fixated her gaze on the oblivious Jungkook, "Jungkook my dear! Be a gentleman and dance with your step-sister, or do you want her to keep looking so lonely?"

She squished your cheeks in the process, trying to show him how sad and lonely you looked.

Jungkook eyes roamed around helplessly, meeting eyes with his father and gulped. Then he put on his most charming smile and extended a hand towards you, "Of course I don't want that, dear relative of Yoona who's name I don't know. May I?"

"You-" You were about to complain about Jungkook's shameless try to ingratiate, but his hand around yours shushed you fully and you allowed him to drag him to the dance floor.

Of course a slow song was playing, just like in a fucking movie, and you were close to pushing Jungkook away when you met eyes with your beaming mom and realized that there was no way back.

Jungkook rested his hands on your side, though hesitantly, and he was definitely trying not to get to close to you, which you appreciated. Although he tried his best not to invade your space he still towered above you and you realized that he must be like, three heads taller than you.

Your tongue felt like glued to your mouth and you tried your best not to breath through the nose, because you knew that you were surrounded by his scent.

"I know I said it already but sorry that you had to witness what happened yesterday in the kitchen." Jungkook spoke up and you almost groaned. You didn't want to talk about this. "I usually don't talk about past events, but you and Yoona and Jee really matter to me, so I wanted to make sure you know how much I wish this wouldn't've happened."

You wanted to ask what he meant by 'this', wether he regretted fucking Yeji or you walking in on them, but you didn't.

"You know, what you're doing is really self-destructive." You said instead and his eyes snapped up. He knew you weren't just talking about Yeji. Or Jimin. But about all this fucking around and getting wasted, thats consequences you had witnessed on him the past weeks. Every Sunday when he came back. You really didn't want to know what happened when he wasn't home.

Jungkook's eyes bored into yours, this intense glare of his being back on display and your heart paced up as you asked yourself if you went too far but... "I just wish things would've gone different."

Your eyes followed his figure, after he had made up some silly excuse to escape your aunt's hawk eyes and you shook your head. What exactly should have gone different?

You stood there alone for a while, chewing on your lower lip, before grasping your phone and unlocking it.

It rang three times before he picked up, though you know exactly that he had been waiting out all three rings until he thought it was the right time to pick up, "Y/N?"

"Jimin, we need to talk." 


the question is, what should have gone different?


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