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After Jungkook had returned he hadn't said anything besides "I'm sorry" towards your mother, disappearing in his room right after.

You didn't know where he had been but didn't have the guts to ask, his straight out furious expression telling you enough.

Though no one of you expected Haru to return tonight, your mom retreated to the guest room.

You wanted to follow her and hug her, but you knew she wanted to be alone. You wanted to find Haru and force him to apologize on his knees, but you didn't know how you were supposed to do it. You wanted to just run away and curl up in your friend's arms but you didn't do that either.

Because you knew that this was your last night in this house - wether your mom thought the same or not, you didn't even considered your mother neither your brother to stay in the house of this monster.

So, you used this last night to at least say goodbye properly to the person who had the bad luck to be caught in this place.

You knocked softly but didn't expect an answer anyways so you just invited yourself in.

Jungkook sat on his bed cross-legged, facing the window.

He was fumbling with a piece of paper - a photo it looked like - in his hands, not showing any reaction when you entered.

"You'll move out, right?" His voice sounded blank, matter-of-factly.

You sat down besides him, bed screaching at the additional weight, "I guess so, yeah."

He scoffed, "Looks like the expensive wedding was a waste."

"Yeah, the whole thing was rather short-lived." You mumbled.

Jungkook groaned and fell backwards onto the mattress, "I was just getting used to the thought of having you guys around me."

You didn't look at him, just stared outside as it slowly dawned you; you'd miss him.

In the corner of your eye you saw how the boy turned his head in your direction, "Will you be alright?"

"We'll get through it. I guess we'll have to live at our aunt's place for a while but we're adaptable; we'll settle with something, always did."

Jungkook snorted silently, his almost mocking expression making you look at him questioningly, "I didn't mean your family. I meant you, little one. You're always thinking about your family first, but what's with you? Will you be alright?"

"I-I..." You spluttered, genuinely caught off guard, "I... don't know"

He cocked one eybrow as if saying 'thought so' and you lowered your head on your hand, supporting yourself with your elbow on the mattress next to Jungkook's head.

"And you?" You asked, "What are you gonna do?"

He shrugged, "The same as always, I guess."

"Sex, parties and alcohol?"

He grinned, "You know it."

You sighed and fell onto your back staring at the ceiling.

If Jungkook kept on going like this he'll break apart. Living with the cause of the misery that was his life, the constant need to prove himself that he was the one in control, while having nobody to search comfort in.

"Why do you stay with him? Your dad I mean." You wondered.

"Have no ther choice, I guess." Jungkook asnwered, as if it was obvious, "He gives me everything I need- everything I want and as long as I go to college I can cope with it. Don't worry I'm used to living here with him, I don't know anything else."

He clearly tried to comfort you, made it sound so normal, while in reality he forced himself to live with the stranger who let his mother die - whom he had to witness dying.

He said so himself: His own father had become a stranger to him.

"You don't know anything else, but if you tried something new maybe you... you know-"

"Maybe I what?" Jungkook sounded slightly angered, "I'm fine Y/N don't start to worry about me as well, I'm not a broken machine you have to take care of like the rest of your family."

You flinched and sat back up. He didn't realize that you had been worrying about him before already, naturally, because you couldn't stand the people you cared for hurting just like you had to witness your whole life.

You'd seen the person you loved the most falling apart, had hoped she would heal here in Seoul but nope, didn't happen.

You had found people you cared for here, people who were hurting as well and as sad as it was, it was human - caring for people, worrying about them. Jungkook didn't realize all of that and his words shocked you in some ways.

I'm not a broken machine you have to take care of like the rest of your family.

Broken? Maybe. But it was okay, every damage can be fixed.

If Jungkook didn't want to try and fix his own damage then it was his decision.

You had just stared down at him after he had said this and then stood up fully, "No you aren't Jungkook. You aren't a machine, you are human like everyone else. Please don't forget this. We all need someone, sometimes."

He didn't asnwer and watched you making your way to the door.

Before you stepped outside and closed the door you turned around, uncertainly, "Goodbye Jeon Jungkook."

Hope you become happy


Just like you predicted did you move to your aunt, already left the house hastily the next morning.

You just packed the most important things and it felt more like an escape than anything else.

You heard your mother silently talking to your aunt over the phone while you tried your best to explain Jee why you were going to auntie, without actually explaining him why.

You spent the next days with your little pests of cousins, who seemed to be on their best behaviour for once, not going to school.

You didn't know when - or if - your mother talked to Haru, but the rest of your belongings came as time went by.

All of it was so chaotic, you had trouble keeping up with your mom's frantic try of erasing everything related to Haru.

But you understood her in every way.

The third man that had treated her like shit. Treated the most wonderful woman on this planet like dirt under his shoes.

Oh you just hoped that he didn't get her pregnant like the other two.

You didn't know anything about your own dad and only remembered bits of Jee's father.

Yoona never talked about them.

Your mother was a runner. She ran away from her demons, her faults to keep her children save and it was okay.

Only Jee had trouble comprehending that he didn't have a dad after all. You explained what happened as nicely as possible, so that Jee would understand why your mom made the choice of leaving.

And somehow your seven year old brother understood, even had the strength to comfort both of you on his own, beautiful way.

Once again, Jee was there to save you and you thanked god for sending you this angel.


m sorry for updating so slowly but holidays got me busier than school
How ironic


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