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You used to believe that both Jungkook and Haru were the perfect picture dad and son, with their friendly behavior and nice house and job and university and all.

Looking at Jungkook you were taught better, what was visible once again when he texted you to 'cover up' for him, when he was supposed to take care of Jee (which you were pretty much furious about), because he was out 'bowling with Jinhee' (yeah totally).

You thought that it was positive when you two had started to get along well, only to find out that not-acting-like-a-saint Jungkook was taking advantage of your niceness shamelessly, what really was making you loose it lately.

Or maybe you were just angry that Jungkook was out there probably fucking a cute chick senseless while you had to look over Jee doing his homework (he was adorable while doing so though).

"Please Haru, we have to talk things out. There is no reason why you should keep this-"

You threw your mom, who had just rushed in the kitchen while talking with her husband over the phone, a worried glance at her distressed state but she waved it off smiling and laid down her phone - he had hung off on her.

"What are you doing here honey? I thought Jungkook said he'd help Jee with homework."

You restrained yourself from rolling your eyes, "He's bowling with friends."

Your willfully oblivious mother sighed, "Ahh I thought you two could do such things together." - without realizing the ambiguity in her words.

"Uhm, I don't think we should." You uttered, still having the imagine of Jungkook fucking Jinhee in the bowling hall's bathroom flying around your mind.

"Come on sweetheart." Your mom said encouraging, "You two are siblings now!"

"Step siblings mom."

Yoona frowned, "Well, you never referred to Jee as your half-brother before either, did you?"

She had a point. But thinking of Jungkook as your sibling made you feel very, very uncomfortable

"Yeah whatever." You huffed, "I'll think about it mom."

And really, you did.

Though because of other motivations than your mom.

Jungkook was always out on weekends, sometimes even during the week and it had never come to you that you really wanted to know what he did or where he went.

But lately - now that you two were closer - you felt as if being left out, of course being aware of how irrational this feeling was, because really - whatever Jungkook did was none of your business.

But who could blame you? You were naturally curious.


"Will you be out this evening?" You asked Friday afternoon, body laid across the sofa, head resting in your arms as you were staring at Jungkook who was currently typing away on his phone.

"You know it." Was his absent-minded answer.

You hummed, "Where will you go?"

He looked up from his screen, blank expression, "I don't see why this should concern you."

"Can I come with you?" Your tone was playful, almost challenging but your step-brother choked and looked at you as if you'd just grown a second head.

"No, fucking question."

You pouted.

"What guy brings his younger sister with him when he's out partying?"

"I would!" Jee's enthusiastic voice chimed in.

"You don't know what we're talking about Jellybean, go back in your room." You told your little brother softly and then directed to Jungkook: "Pleaasee!"

"Fuck no."

"Please. Or I'll tell mom what you're really doing when you leave your tasks to me."

"I hate you."


And that's how you ended up in front of a stuffed house full of strangers, slowly starting to question WHAT THE FUCK YOU HAD BEEN THINKING.

"Looks like fun." You said, acting as if you didn't want to run a few streets further and hide under Jimin's fuzzy blankets.

"Seriously?" Your dear step-brother looked rather disappointed, "Are you sure you don't want to go back home?"


He groaned, "You really are a pest."

He earned a grin from.

"Listen you brat. I don't want to be the one responsible for your underage drinking and drug use so no alcohol and stay the fuck away from shady looking guys, understood?"

You nodded, "Boring." - although you hadn't exactly been planning on taking drugs or whatever in the near time.

He ignored your remark, "And - that's the thing I'm worried about most - for god's sake, stay away from guys like Hoseok or you can say bye bye v-card."

You frowned, trying to hide the fact that your cheeks reddened in embarrassment and tugged on Jungkook's sleeve, "Let's go then."

He sighed, already having given up on you and turned around to walk towards the entrance door.

Just a side note; it was already worth going here if you got to see Jungkook dressing up in black skinny jeans and a black button down shirt with a small silver chain grazing his neck and his hair falling into his eyes, giving off this mysterious flair that made him like, ten times hotter - what was a completely objective observation of course, step-brother and stuff.

"Jungkook!" A loud-as-fuck voice greeted the older boy, "What did you bring this time? Isn't she a bit under your standards?"

You tried not to be offended, really.

"No one is under my standards Hyung, you know it." Jungkook joked and it took you so long to make out the dude who had talked.

A chiseled face with thick brows, silky dark hair and a devious grin eyed you up and down like a piece of meat and you felt like stabbing the cigarette he was holding into his crotch.

"Jokes aside. She's my step-sis dude so stay the fuck away from her." Jungkook said threateningly, making the older pout.

"What a pity." He said, voice deeper than the ocean, "But we don't want me to end up like Hoseok do we?"

"No, we don't." Jungkook approved.

"This is Taehyung." He said to you, "He's one of the guys I told you to stay away from-"

"isn't that everyone of us?"

"- but if something bad happens then I guess you can talk to him."

And with that you were out of Jeon Jungkook's mind just like this, being left alone in a crowd of sweaty, stinking strangers and a dude named Taehyung eye-fucking you.

"Oh we will have so much fun, flower."


I've been listening to 'Here come the regrets' by Epik High and Lee Hi a lot lately


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