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It was so incredibly hot.

You cursed the Korean summer for its unbearable heat, making your shirt stick to you disgustingly, while you were trying to bring the full grocery bags home safely.

Most people had made the wise decision to stay inside, avoiding contact with the blazing sun, making the streets look oddly empty, what - together with the sizzling hot streets - resulted in a scene that seemed to come right out of a western. Yeah, you could almost see those strange dust balls rolling around, jut like in the movies.

You had your gaze trained downwards onto your shoes, to keep your eyes away from the piercing sunlight.

It pained you physically and mentally when you lifted your gaze, just to see that you hadn't even made it halfway home yet and your fried brain processed that, perhaps, you needed a pause.

You turned around the corner, into a shadow protected alley end leaned against the side of the building, that consisted a bar you've never entered and let the bags drop with a huff.

"Fucking hell" You mumbled, "Yeah, that's exactly where I ended up."

You were leaning with one shoulder against the brick wall, panting, eyes staring at the street lifelessly.

"Oh, would you just look at that."

Your entire body froze, a cold shudder running down your spine all of a sudden, despite the heat.

"Look who we have here."

The voice behind you spoke, the voice you had prayed to forget in mortification, but damn is it hard.

You didn't turn around, hoping he'd just go away or that it was your mind fooling you and you were just dehydrated. Yeah, that'd be nice.

But, nope, you definitely heard steps walking closer towards you, practically hopping.

"Didn't your mommy teach you that it's unfriendly not to look at people when they speak with you?"

Your terrified stage switched in an annoyed one and you turned around, not prepared for the sight in front of you, "What do you want Kim Tae-... hyung."

Now that you saw him sober and in bright day light he looked even better.

He had bleached his dark hair into a light platinum tone, skin paler than you remembered. There was a scar on his lip, where it wrapped around the cigarette.

He turned his head away to blow out a puff of smoke before averting his attention back to you with a smug grin, index and middle finger holding the item loosely.

"What have you been up to, Flower?"

You were taken slightly off guard by what seemed to be his genuine interest, "Me? Uhm... not much, I'm trynna survive my remaining time in school I guess.... and you?"

You knew the question came over awkwardly but Taehyung didn't seem fazed and shrugged, while tipping off the ash, "Dropped out of university, have a job and stuff."

"Oh, what do you do?"

He gave you a crooked grin, "You liked to know that, wouldn't you?"

You shrugged, not really knowing if you wanted to know at all.

It was quiet for a moment, Taehyung drawing deeply from his cigarette, while you slowly realized how odd the situation was you were in.

You hadn't seen this dude in two years. And the last (and first) time you met him you had been sucking his face.

"Hoseok was put in jail."

You stared at the blonde, confused at his out-of-the-blue statement, "Oh."

He scoffed, "Yeah. Oh."

"Why is that?"

"Drug possession and trafficking."

"I knew you guys were problematic in this direction." You said with an ironic tone.

"This and other things." Taehyung agreed, "But I stopped with this kind of... life style."

He eyed you wearily, "...others didn't."

You looked at a spot behind him, not wanting to meet his gaze, "He- he can't help it."

"He doesn't want to. But he could." Taehyung insisted.

"No, you don't understand-"

"I do very fucking well." The boy said in a harsher tone, "I know it's hard, but if he really wanted to he could change."

You bit the inside of your cheek, staring at him for a moment before crouching down to lift up the bags full of groceries and made a step back into the blazing heat.

You turned your head in Taehyung's direction one more time. He nodded at you before dropping the blunt of his cigarette and scrunching it under his foot.

You gulped and finally turned back to your way back home.

The fuck was he even doing here?


Taehyung watched his old friend exhaling the smoke with a satisfied hum.

His tongue swept over the scar on his lower lip, the cause of it now looking at him questioningly, "What?"

Taehyung shuffled on his comfortable spot on the sofa, just shaking his head at Jungkook, "Nothing."

"Then stop looking at me like that."

It was quiet for a moment, but then- "Okay, maybe there is something."

"Spit it out." Jungkook said, not truly interested at all.

"If you promise not to beat me up again."

"Why the fuck would I?" His irritation growing every second.

"Well, I met the reason you beat me in the first place."

The dark haired's head slumped back against the seat and he groaned, "Why the fuck would I care?"

Taehyung cocked a brow. He knew his friend missed her, there was no fucking question he didn't.

Of course, he himself wasn't exactly what you'd call an angel, but he'd been friends with Jungkook for so long now, even he was shocked at how destructive the other behaved, lived.

He had tried to help him, really, but frankly all he did was making it worse - he wasn't the most sensitive person.

But this girl... somehow she had managed to do what he hadn't been able to do in ten damn years.

Jungkook had been happy. For a while at least, she had changed him, managed to make him care.

"Don't you want to know how she's doing?"

"No." Somehow he managed to make it sound like a very desperate 'yes'.

Taehyung crooked a grin, "Alright, if you say so."


I feel like such a writer lmao I'm sitting in my dark room in front of my notebook while drinking tea and listening to lofi hip hop

Listen to Day in Paris by Llusion :)


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