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This Taehyung dude really was fun, although he was a bit too flirty for your liking (you weren't into much older guys (okay maybe)).

He introduced you to a bunch of people - whom you immediately forgot about - and was generally really nice, which was both pleasant and surprising to yo, because you didn't expect a random five years older guy to give an actual damn about you - nonetheless you enjoyed his playful niceness.

Well, you soon were to find out that guys usually aren't nice for the sake of just being nice.

You had just been about to ask if you were bothering, when he turned around with two red plastic cups, a wide grin on his face, "Here you go."

You swore you could see green smoke coming out of the cup he reached out to you and your hands twitched back, "But Jungkook...."

Ah yeah. Jungkook. The boy you hadn't talked to ever since he had handed you over to Taehyung, only saw him a few times - and that was when he was busy sucking of a girl's face or grinding down against some petite boy.

he's right

"Forget him." The black haired assured you with a smile like liquid gold, "He's the last person that should tell anyone what is right and what is wrong to do."

You glanced over your shoulder, seeing Jungkook laughing with a girl on his lap, who was very busy with her hands down his pants, his hair disheveled and black button down almost completely undone.

You looked back at the boy in front of you and snatched the cup out of his hand.

His smile got more smug, "Good girl."

You ended up with downing three other cups - not because you enjoyed it, that shit was gross, but because you knew that Jungkook would be mad at you if he was to find out.

"You looked like such a light weight Flower." Taehyung, who sat besides you on the sofa, slurred next to your ear, his breath sending shivers down your neck.

"Dunno." You mumbled, feeling dizzy, "Never really tried it before."

"You never tried alcohol before?" His deep ass voice sounded muffled to you.

"Never had the opportunity I guess." You leaned back in to the older's arms now sneaking around your shoulders, "No time for it."

"Aww" Taehyung cooed, "You really need new friends."

You shrugged, not complaining when he leaned closer, "No. Maybe."

Now he was close enough that even your intoxicated brain comprehended that your noses were almost touching, making your eyes widen, "T-tae- we shouldn't-"

Screw your drunken tongue.

A deep chuckle rumbled through his chest right into your body, "I've always felt excited by taboos Flower."

In this moment, all your dazed brain could comprehend was that there was an overly attractive man almost sitting on our lap and somewhere in the crowd your (also overly attractive) step-brother who would probably lose his shit if he saw you kissing this exact man.

So, of course drunk you gave in.

You felt Taehyung smirk into the kiss. Your lips felt clumsy and unexperienced on his, but this was soon not important anymore when he took full control of it, cornering you against the sofa's armrest, licking, biting, taking you in whole.

Normally, you would've been scared. Normally, you would've prayed for Jungkook to come and rescue you but right now you weren't able to think straight, so you weren't disappointed or even fazed at all when your step-brother didn't come.

Taehyung groaned over you, all you could see was him, all you could feel was him - and even that felt like just a dull echo of what you'd probably feel sober.

"Let's get somewhere more private, should we?" he whispered, carding a hand through his silky black hair.

Drunk you didn't see why you shouldn't, so you nodded and just followed the raspy voice that seemed to serenade you.

He lead you up a staircase, his hands always resting a bit lower than your back, what would've made you hella uncomfortable under other circumstances but not right now.

You supposed that he wanted to go into a room but you didn't make it till there, because he forced you against a wall, kissing you all over again, teeth clashing against teeth in a very unsensual way.

Your eyes fell on to the black choker around his neck, something you hadn't come to notice earlier and your hands lifted themselves to graze the silky material.

Taehyung broke the kiss and another one of those deep chuckles escaped his mouth, "Do you like it?"

You hummed agreeing.

He stood up straight but leaned closer and you understood his actions, leaning forward to begin to kiss up his neck all around the choker, feeling his large hands sneak under the shirt you had carefully tucked in earlier.

You were surrounded by the scent and the warmth of this stranger, feeling more and more like you were ready to give him more - and he knew it.

"That's right Flower." He whispered approving, "Don't worry, Jungkook will eventually leave with someone other anyways."

Somehow, not even the mention of his name fazed you.

The only thing important in this world seemed to be Taehyung's soft hands and warm body and skilled tongue and oh you totally wanted to prove a certain boy that he had no power over you.

"Lets go somewhere more private, should we?" You slurred Taehyung's own words from earlier.

The older laughed mischievously, "As you wish Flower."


read my story Flower Boy if you haven't already, I'm not ashamed of self promotion


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