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The door bell rang and you swore you had never moved so fast in your life.

Sadly, you weren't fast enough and your little brother practically ripped the door open, smiling in a mixture of awe and happiness as his eyes spotted Jungkook.

You two officially dated only for... how long? Two weeks? And Jee didn't actually have the opportunity to meet his Hyung yet, though you had explained him (or tried to) that you and Hyungie were a couple now.

He had taken in the information with a lot of confusion, though he had concluded that 'As long as Noona is happy, everything is fine' and you had actually teared up a bit.

Now, after you had explained it he had been impatient to meet his 'older brother' (you'll never get to leave that behind) and seeing the boy now actually standing in front of him filled the younger's big eyes with thousands of stars.

"Hyungie!" Jee practically threw himself in Jungkook's arms, latter catching him with a huffed out laugh, not having expected it despite your warning earlier.

"Hey, Jellybean." He greeted your baby brother, "How've you been?"

"Lonely without you." Jee answered pouting, squirming in the older's arms, "But I'll forgive you."

Jungkook laughed whole heartedly, letting the small boy down, "I'm glad you do."

Then he turned to you, expression softening, "Hey."

You grinned, making your way towards your boyfriend, pecking his lips quickly, "Why'd you want to meet up?"

It was not like he needed any reason to wanting to meet up with you, but he had made it so official, it hadn't been like a 'hey, let's meet tomorrow' but more like 'I would like to meet you tomorrow and take you somewhere'.

So, naturally you had been curious, even more so when he gave you a sheepish smile as answer, gently taking your hand, "I- uhm... I'd like to introduce you to someone."

You should've known by the sound of his voice.


The graveyard looked strangely peaceful, the old graves having this calm, mysterious aura and the warm rays of sunshine hitting them making the light stone sparkle.

You walked past the gravestones, each of them telling their own story, hand in hand as you made your way down to Jungkook's mother's grave.

It was brittle, visibly not taken care of well, neglected and lonely within the sea of glamorous tombs.

You asked yourself when someone had visited it last.

"It was today when she was brought to the hospital. When everything begun."

Jungkook's voice was blank and so was his face as he stared down onto the white, moss overgrown stone.

You nodded, to show you acknowledged his words, but didn't say anything further, silently listening to your boyfriend's word. He had a hard time saying these things and you wouldn't intervene.

"It felt so surreal." he whispered, "When she closed her eyes... I thought she was sleeping and I sat there for a full hour until I noticed she had stopped breathing. The nurses didn't even come in."

His eyes roamed over the name being engraved in the stone, licking over his chapped lips, "I was only ten. I was so scared, I shook her but she wouldn't wake up. I- I think I ran away and nurses tried to stop me or calm me down."

He gave you a bitter, ironic smile, "I never entered a hospital ever again."

His smile faltered when you didn't answer, just looked at him while imagining what would've happened to you if you had been in his place.

He pulled you closer, both arms wrapping around your sides in a firm hug. His voice was hoarse when he spoke his next words, "Her last words where... 'please be happy'."

You felt his arms trembling slightly, though the rest of him stayed shockingly stable, "Not a good bye. Not a last demand. A warning. She didn't tell me what I should do without her... she just asked me to be happy." He sucked in a shuddering breath, "So fucking useless..."

You looked up at him, shocked about his harsh word about his dead mother but when you met eyes he smiled, ".... or so I thought. For eleven years. But here you are, not being useless at all, making me happy."

Now, a smile tugged on your lips, too and you stood up on your tip-toes, tenderly brushing your lips against his, before pulling him in a kiss.

Alone, you were broken. But together you were soso perfect.


Every good moment has to end, but this one ended harsher than you could've imagined.

You had only stepped outside of the graveyard's gate when you made contact with Jungkook's large, stiff frame, having walked against him as he had stopped abruptly.

You peeked around him, only to spot Haru - fucking Haru - leaning against his snobbish car.

You looked upwards to see Jungkook's expression, which seemed to portray your own; pure disappointment - this day could've gone so well, but nope.

"Knew you'd be here. I see you got yourself a girl - I'm not even surprised that it's her." Haru uttered dryly, the psychopath having the audacity to lay his fucking eyes on you.

Jungkook opened his mouth, then closed it and shook his head, "No."

He started walking past the man, holding your hand in a firm grasp, "No, I'm not doing this."

All of a sudden, Haru's hand was on his shoulders and he flung it away aggressively, "I said no."

The man's eyes radiated this fucked up kind of amusement, "Not even gonna talk to your dad?"

Jungkook stared at him unimpressed, "What do you want Haru?"

Latter scoffed, "I want you to come back home."

Jungkook was speechless at that and you felt the hate you felt for this man growing every second, making you speak up, "And we want you to leave us alone. I- you have no right to talk to him like that, after everything you have done... aren't you sick of it? Sick of yourself?"

You pulled on Jungkook's hand, wanting to get him away from the man that had been abusing him ever since he was ten, but he had one thing left to say.

"S-She's right. I don't want you in my life. I forced myself to cope with you for such a long time, but I can't do this to myself anymore." He gritted out between clenched teeth, "Go see a fucking psychiatrist."

Then, he finally let you pull him away from the scene, glad that you were there to hold him down, to steady him.

"I-It's okay." You mumbled when you had walked around the corner, leaning against the wall of a small flower shop, "You won't be seeing him anymore. I promise."

He bit his lips, eyes looking glassy as if he was close to tearing up, "Thank you... for uhm- kinda everything. I don't know what I..."

He trailed off, registering the flowers behind you, a smile tugged on his lips despite the tears in his eyes and he reached behind you, picking up a bouquet of yellow roses.

"Look-" He started, eyes fixed on the bright yellow petals, "They remind me of you. I- I don't know how to thank you, but I'll try."

He payed for the flowers, eyes clear again and a sheepish smile on his face when he gave them to you. They were beautiful.

"Let's go?"


this story'll be over soon, just so that y'all are warned


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