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Your eyes opened and a million of emotions swept over you in one go, kinda taking your breath for a second - your drunk mother, sickeningly sweet and considerate Jungkook (you had been so ready to lose your v card) and - most importantly - the fUcKiNg heAdAcHe.

Latter caused you to immediately squeeze your eyes shut again, the gentle sunlight falling through the curtains being enough to make a bonfire explode inside your skull.

It took you a few minutes to note the presence besides you, realizing that this sweetheart had actually stayed by your side all night. And this fact was making you feel sick.

You wanted to get up, needed to, because you didn't want to be there when he woke up - what would eventually end up in you having to talk about past night's events.

So (although your head was painfully slowly killing you) you heaved yourself out of the soft sheets, sock cladded feet tapping over the floor as quietly as possible.

You heard Taehyung snoring softly in his room as you walked past it, into he living room and then to the entrance, guilt eating you up when you actually left without any more words.

It was chilly outside, but not as cold as the previous night, the sun slowly warming up the city.

Your brain was a haze as the shame for leaving the sweet boy behind without any explanation: you wanted to go back and thank him properly, as well as apologizing for just barging in so sudden, but the thought of having to talk to him about your embarrassing drunk babble was just too terrific.

You took the subway to get home as quickly as possible, remembering that there was a small issue to take care of back there.

When you had arrived, you stopped in front of the entrance door, not wanting to just barge in like that, so you hesitantly knocked.

A beaming Jee opened, small fingers pointing at you excitedly, "Look, she's here! Mommy, Y/N is here!"

Yoona was fast to appear in the corridor, worried expression quickly transforming into a relieved one, "Oh sweety." She mumbled, stepping forward to embrace you tightly, "I was so worried! I'm so sorry, I don't know what came over me-"

You smiled, "It's okay mom, I forgive you. It was good actually. You never talk about how you feel, I can't imagine the pent up emotions you carry around."

Your mother's stiff shoulder visibly relaxed and she let go of you, "You're too good to me."

She said this with a dull smile, eyes portraying something like sadness, "Were you okay though? I had no clue where you went to. Were you with..."

"Jungkook? Yes." You answered honestly, "He's staying at his friend's place currently."

"oh." Your mother just said, understanding the reason as why he chose to, "I see."

You both sat down on the sofa, cuddling into each other.

"Look, Mom I- I get why you don't like the idea of Jungkook and me... together. And if you really, really don't want it then I will stop seeing him. I would understand it." Your voice was a bit shaky, not really comfortable with the words leaving your mouth, but you meant it. If you would have to chose between Jungkook and your mom you would always chose her.

Yoona hummed, "That's considerate of you but I don't want you to always put my feelings above yours. This is really your greatest yet most self-destructive trait honey." She turned her face towards you, expression stern, "I'm happy for you and, god, I don't want you to stop seeing the boy you like because of your old mother."

She gently brushed a strand of heir behind your ear, an encouraging smile on her face, "I get it, I probably wasn't the best role-model when it comes to choosing a partner and maybe I made you two a bit too wary of men, but I'd be really happy if at least Jungkook and you could make things work."

You felt your cheeks reddening, eyes gazing downwards, "He's so sweet, mom."

She smiled, "I know."

"But he's..." You didn't know how to say it. You didn't want to say 'fucked up', not even 'messed up'. Because in your eyes he wasn't. Just hurt.

"I know." Your mom repeated, sparing you from finishing your sentence, "Are you scared that he'll hurt you?"

You shook your head. Of that one thing you were sure: He'd rather end things in an instant than to hurt you while being with you. He wasn't even aware of it himself, but he cared for you, that was for sure.

"Then what are you scared of?"

It always amazed you to see how your mother was able to read you like an open book, recognize your feelings before you even did yourself. Like now, when she saw your fear before you did yourself, before you could realize of what you were scared of.

"It's just that... uhm, I'm kinda stuck on him?" You said sheepishly, causing your mom to smile knowingly.

"My little girl is in love and scared of it? Guess that's on me and my terrible choice of men." She joked, but wasn't even that wrong sadly.

I-In love?

You gulped. Love. Such a powerful word.

"I-I don't know if 'love' is the right wo-"

"tsk tsk, I know these heart eyes, honey." Yoona countered, "You should really do something about them."

"oh right?" You halfly joked, "And what?"

"Well, start with being honest with him."


"Dude, chill. She probably just needed to go home quickly and couldn't wait for your lazy ass to get up."

Taehyung did a very poor job of calming his nerves, that was for sure.

Jungkook hated to admit it, but she had hurt him. The thought alone made him snort. No one, ever since ten year old him had stumbled out of the hospital traumatized, had managed to truly hurt him.

And now she had done so by simply leaving too early for Jungkook's liking.

It seemed ridiculous, but still - he was truly hurt. He had cared for her las night, hat endured her cutely drunken ass, had resisted the urge of following her drunk pleads and even slept with her in the same bed without touching her once - and she just fucking left without a single word, without an explanation or a simple 'thanks'.

He was ready to punch someone, just didn't decide on whom yet.

"Whatever Kook. I gotta go now." Taehyung sounded high-key bored, "Whatever you're doing just don't damage my furniture, get it?"

"It wouldn't make much of a difference anyways." Jungkook answered, what caused a shoe being thrown after him.

Jungkook was still busy with being angry by the time the door rang. He was angry that she didn't call him, angry that his own pride didn't allow him to call her - although he wanted to so badly, wanting to make sure that she was alright, remembering how bad her headache had been the day after she had gotten wasted for the first time.

He didn't even consider Y/N to be the one behind the door he now opened.

"I l-love you."


I'm afraid there aren't many chapters left


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