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You looked around the room, eyes slowly but steadily getting used to the dim lights.

People grinding against each other, moving their bodies to the music or sitting in the side aisles, drinking and talking animatedly.

The mood was a happy, buzzing one and you understood why Jungkook wanted to go here - yet you didn't understand why he wanted to go here.

You didn't have the impression that you two had become that much closer when you saw each other at Taehyung's, but truth be told; your memory wasn't the best when it came to that evening.

Your eyes dragged over the dancing crowd and you spotted the handsome boy sitting in one of the aisles in the back of the room, watching the other guests getting wasted, while he sipped on his drink. He looked relaxed.

Jungkook nodded at you when your eyes met and you slid into the spot across from him, "Hey."

He mumbled a 'hi' and nudged a drink into your direction. You took it and hesitantly took a sip, arching a brow, "This is definitely not apple juice."

He sniggered, "I figured you'd like this better." The he winked, "You seem to enjoy the stronger ones."

He laughed when you stuck out your tongue at him, but drank the - honestly delicious - drink anyways.

"So, what is the occasion for me to be invited by you to such a prestigious establishment." You asked, jokingly.

"If I'm being honest? I don't even know." Jungkook admitted, before he took a sip of his drink, eye raking over the pretty women dancing next to your aisle, "I wanted to catch up with you I guess? Now that I know that you don't hate me."

You smiled at the meaning behind his words, lazily swirling the glass in your hand, "That's sweet."

Jungkook hummed, his tongue darting out as his eyes fixed on one of the dancing women and oh lord you prayed that this night wouldn't result in you being left alone by Jungkook because he went to tap some ass.

You placed down your glass a bit harsher than necessary, just to grab Jungkook's attention and his eyes snapped back at you, a semi-apologetic smile tugging on his lips, "So... how've you been, little one?"

It felt weird - belittling even  - that he still called you that, but you just over heard it to answer his question truthfully, "Surprisingly well. Mom took a break from men and I got a job to help her out a bit, it's peaceful you could say."

Jungkook nodded, eyes concentrated on you for once, and you'd lie if you said you wouldn't enjoy it, "I made a few friends here, still have contact with Jimin-"

"Oh, really?" There was weird look on the boy's face you could only describe as sour and you nodded helplessly.

"Course. We meet a lot actually." You studied his face, "Why, is that a problem to you?"

Jungkook blinked, "No... it's just- I kinda assumed that you didn't have anything to do with your, y know, 'past life', since I didn't hear anything from you."

You cocked a brow, "Now, Jimin wouldn't actually be the first to tell you if you asked for something, would he?"

Jungkook smiled sheepishly, sipping on his drink to hide the regret on his face, "Yeah I guess I fucked up with you little friend."

"Literally, yes." You confirmed nodding.

"He hates me, right?" 

You snickered, "Yo could say that, yeah."

Both of you laughed; every time Jimin and Jungkook had met in your presence it had ended up with Jimin insulting Jungkook with his characteristic diva- attitude, what had been both horrifying and amusing at the same for you to witness.

"And you?" You changed the topic, "How did you do?"

Jungkook shrugged, eyes darting back to the people on the dance floor again - only that this time he did it intentionally, to escape your eyes, "As always I guess."

"So, not that well." You deadpanned, making the older frown.

"That's not what I-" He stopped himself and sunk back against his seat with a sigh, "I was fine, really."

"How is Haru?" You asked, watching his every reaction.

Jungkook squirmed in his seat, before shaking his head, "I haven't been seeing him a lot. What kind of interrogation is this supposed to be anyways?"

You laughed, glad that Jungkook had somehow seen through your act, "I was just wondering. I'm still worried about you, you know?"

His eyes widened for a moment, giving them a doey, puppy-like look, "Really?"

You chuckled, "You literally have the most fucked up background Jungkook, of course I am."

His eyes softened, "I don't deserve you."

Your heart beat picked up on pace, matching with the fast beat of the music blasting through the club. The last time you had admitted to worry about him, he had pushed you away harshly. What had happened?

"You deserve someone who actually cares about you." You said, realizing what your words implied - made it sound as if you were Jungkook's someone.

The boy shook his head smiling, "Not really, but I'm not complaining."

He leaned back forward, playing with the worn menu, "After Haru and I cut ties completely and Hoseok got into jail, the only one left for me was Tae... but he kinda distanced himself from me."

You cocked your head to the side, recalling how Taehyung had explained how he had stopped this 'kind of lifestyle', "Are you mad at him for doing this?"

"I can't really blame him." Jungkook grunted and you imagined how lonely he must've felt; as if there was no one for him to talk with, to laugh with. Suddenly, you understood very well why he had reached out to you.

As you saw him like that, tipsy and  his usually guard cracked, you realized how he was just a lonely, lost boy searching for some kind of assurance - some kind of control, even if it was the worst kind of control over others.

You looked in those deep, doe eyes and found yourself forgetting about the mile wide gap between you. Because, actually, he was just like you.

A smile tugged on your lips and you saw him smiling as well.

How weird all of this was.


this is off topic, but where's my I-let-other-people-tell-me-all-their-problems-but-would-never-bother-them-with-mine squad at?


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