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The sun was slowly setting, crickets chirping on the meadow behind the house and you thought that this was a good way to spend your holidays.

You laid on your back, with your head resting on your arms, watching the sky change from a clear blue to a saturated orange, setting everything on fire.

Today, you had met Jisung. That had given you to think a bit, because he was soso nice.

But your heart didn't do that little flip it was supposed to do when you see your crush, and you really were confused as why. The blonde boy way so god damn nice and was clearly interested in you as well.

So, after you came home, you'd strolled to here and were lazily resting in the soft grass since then, letting your thoughts roam free in the humid-hot summer air.

You startled when you heard something shuffling behind you and quickly stood up to brush your clothes off, supposing that it was your mother coming to get you.

But when you turned around it was Taehyung standing near the fence to the meadow, hands stuffed in his pockets and a grass halm hanging in between his pretty lips, that were tugged down in a bored expression.

"So, that's what you do all day?"

You shrugged, not feeling the slightest offended by Taehyung's weirded out tone, "I enjoy my free time."

"Aren't you gonna go somewhere during summer break?"

You shook your head, "No, mum hasn't got enough money for that and my small waiter job isn't really serving its purpose."

The boy cocked his head to the side, "Job?"

"Need to." You answered, eyeing him suspiciously, "What are you doing here and how the fuck do you even know I live here?"

The straw dropped from his lips and he gave you a lazy grin, "Dunno, just wanted to see you Flower."

You scoffed, not surprised by the way he ignored the last part of your question.

"Don't you need to get home?" He grinned, "It's late and we don't want mommy to worry."

Your expression dropped in an utterly confused one, making him snicker. Did he come all the way here, just to exchange a few words with you and leave straight away?

"C'mon Flower I'll walk you home." He suggested.


"No." You shot, "Nonono. I'm not letting you into my house."

The fake blonde snorted, "Walking Home doesn't mean I have to come inside."


You were still deep in thoughts over Taehyung's weird visit and the boy's sudden interest in you and your life, that you almost dropped an empty plate, gaining a scowl from your co-worker.

You had started the job in this small fast-food restaurant because of two reasons: The nice old lady whom all of this belonged to and you needed money.

You liked working here, did so thrice a week and it helped you not feeling too useless during your holidays.

"Alright kid, I think we're ready here." Mingu, your harsh but hearty co-worker mumbled, allowing you to leave.

The sun was still out when you left the restaurant, mind immediately wandering to the handsome blonde boy who was seemingly stalking you, but also to the other handsome blonde boy who worked at a café around the corner.

The air was humid lately and you felt like a thunderstorm but be coming on soon.

You were practically skipping your way back home, ready to take a shower and then bury yourself in your blankets to watch Netflix, but this wouldn't be a fan fiction if things wouldn't happen differently, right?

You were like, fifty meters away from your dream of binge watching Netflix for the whole night when you spotted the figure dressed completely in black on the other side of the street.

You hadn't seen him in over two years but strangely, your brain immediately recognized him without even needing to see his face - which was covered behind a black mask.

You froze and turned your body to face his on the other side.

Half of his face was covered by the mask but you were 100% sure that it was Jungkook.

He cocked his head to the side, looking back at you for a while, before you made your decision and walked over to him, ignoring the way you felt self-conscious because you had ketchup stains on your top and probably smelled like a ton of fries.

"Hey" You breathed when you stood in front of him, "How've you been?"

He eyed you calculating and you wondered what had happened in the past years, because you had never seen him look at you like that, "Good, I guess."

"That's good to know." You said smiling, but that was it already. He didn't say anything more and you didn't know what to say.

"I uhm..." Jungkook started, cold gaze loosing something from its hardness as if it was melting away in your presence.

"You what?"

"I missed you." He admitted, making your tummy flip.

"Oh." You said.

He looked at you as if he was waiting for more but you didn't know what, so he talked again, "What are you doing here?"

"Me?" You asked surprised, "I live here."

"Oh." Now it was his turn to be surprised.

"This bastard." He cursed under his breath and you flinched.


"No... I didn't mean you I just..."

"Taehyung." you dead panned, knowing exactly what must've happened.

You didn't see it but he must've smiled because his eyes crinkled slightly, "Yeah, this fucker told me to meet him somewhere here."

You nodded. So that was why Tae had been so insisting on walking you home - he had wanted to know where exactly you live to make Jungkook go there (why so ever he'd do that).

"Wait." jungkook noted, "Do- are you and Taehyung like, talking?"

You shrugged, "Kinda, yes.... is- is that a problem to you?"

The dark haired's eyes widened, long hair falling into his face, "No, of course not. It's just weird you, know. That my friend and my ste-"

He cut himself off when he realized his mistake and you gave him a small smile, "Yes, I can imagine."

It was awkward after that, Jungkook seemed to notice too, so he huffed out, "Anyways, I guess I'll be going then. 's been just some dumb joke of Tae 'm sorry."

You knew it hasn't been as much as Jungkook did but you nodded, "Yeah... see you around?"

He smiled, "Probably not, but thanks. Bye!"

He turned around and walked back the way he had been coming from.

You opened your mouth, then closed it, then opened it again, "Bye."


usually I use black nail polish cause I'm edgy but today I went for yellow and I feel like this monster high girl I used to like


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