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It was the second time already, that Jungkook seemed to think that it was a good idea to pick you up from school, giving your already terrible day the certain spike only Jungkook - and everything related to him - could bring with him.

You had barely made it out of school, Jimin and you walking hand in hand and you were close to turn around and take the longer way, but too late - Jungkook had already spotted you.

"Sup shorty?" Jungkook greeted your already mad reddened friend with a smug grin.

"F-Fuck off." Jimin mumbled, hand clenching around yours before he let go, "Can't believe you still have he guts to face this school."

Jungkook laughed whole-heartedly, "You'd be surprised."

Then he turned to you, reaching out to take your bag, which you complied to, caught off guard by his weird act of niceness.

"Get in Y/N." He commanded and you stuck out your tongue, doing as he said anyways.

"Bye Chim!" You managed to say before your step-brother shut the door.

"You two really can't get along, do you?" You mumbled as soon as Jungkook had started the engine.

"Don't blame me for your friend's stiffness." Jungkook defended himself.

"It's understandable that he acts like this, you could at least try and be nice to him." You were well aware that you sounded way to pissed than you had the right to, at a nothingness like that, but really you had have a bad fucking day so far.

"As far as I remember I've been nothing but nice to him." He answered in a calm tone and you snorted.

"Then be nicer. You treated him like shit, remember?"


He didn't finish his sentence, obviously irritated at your bad mood, the topic of this conversation having been long forgotten till now.

It was quiet for a moment and then he sighed, "What happened?"

You pursed your lips and averted your gaze to the street, knowing that you sulked like a seven years old, "Nothing."

And just like that, Jungkook turned the steering wheel abruptly maneuvering the car to a stop next to the sidewalk. Turning to you, he forced you with one hand on your shoulder to look at him as well, "Okay, I've never seen you so down. Ever since I saw you earlier you looked as if you either wanted to cry or punch someone, so what happened?"

You pressed your lips together, not looking into his eyes, feeling uneasy at the proximity. Jungkook searched your gaze and you hesitantly opened your mouth, "It's your fault, you know..."

His eyes widened the slightest and he leaned back, "What's my fault?"

You sucked in a breath, "Everyone at school is convinced that we... you know... they think I don't hear them say it and really, I don't give a shit about it but sometimes it get's a bit...."

You sighed frustrated, "Sometimes it just crosses a line, but maybe it just get's to me because I'm having a bad day in general."

Jungkook seemed to understand, to your surprise his eyes radiated an emotion you've never seen on him before - guilt. 

"Let's..." He chewed on his lower lip, pretty face lighting up as an idea bloomed in his mind, "Let's not go home directly, I have a better idea."

"Uhm..." He didn't give you time to answer, because this idiot pulled over immediately, giving you no chance to complain.

You were about to ask why he suddenly felt like kidnapping you, when the familiar sign popped up near the street.

"Ain't you a bit too old for Lotte World?" You asked, genuinely confused.

He giggled boyishly, "You're never too old for Lotte World, little one."


That's how you ended up eating a fuck load of cotton candy in the cool evening of the amusement park you've never visited as a kid, because 1. you lived too far away and 2. your mother couldn't afford it for both Jee and you.

"And you have really never visited Lotte World before?" Jungkook looked shocked and you rolled your eyes.

"For the 1000th time: No."

"Oh" He made it sound as if it was the saddest thing he's come across in his life.

"Let's get on the roller coaster then." He proposed and your eyes shot up to the iron construction that winded itself over your heads.

You've never tried it before, so of course you didn't know wether you'd enjoy it or not, but this thing looked dangerous and you were too pretty to die, "Let's not-"

"Alright, let's go!" Jungkook seemed way too enthusiastic and you didn't have the heart to tell him 'no' - he had payed for everything so far, you wouldn't try his generosity today.

Sitting in the carts, all of this looked way scarier than before.

Jungkook literally buzzed from childlike anticipation and you were 100% positive that you're the first one who got to see this side of him. Yet you couldn't really be happy about it because the god damn thing started to move.

"Jesus, no need to be so scared." Jungkook did a bad job at comforting you, who was all stiff and rigid in her seat.

"Look, you can hold my hand if it helps you." He said with a playful smile, and - let's be honest - who were you to deny it?

You clasped his hand with your one hand and slung the other one around his arm, shrieking when the whole thing started to move upwards.

The nervous anticipation transformed into happy giggles as the cart drove downwards, the whole ride not seeming half as scary, now that you had something to hold onto.

Jungkook and you laughed together whole-heartedly and for the first time, it felt as if you two shared something like a bond - something you and Jungkook had that none other did.

The feeling lasted, like a warm blanket over you, for the rest of the evening.

You felt all warm and fuzzy when you drove back home, thinking of how Jungkook had initiated all of this, just because he realized that you were having a bad day - especially when you hadn't given him any reason to, looking at the stuff you'd done last weekend.

You glanced over at Jungkook, who was driving with a happy smile on his lips and you also couldn't help but to grin. Maybe both of you had needed this.


This was the cheesiest, k-drama worthiest thing I've ever written

sorry not sorry


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