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One of the many things Seoul provided that your old hometown Yeungjo didn't, was it's proximity.

Back in Yeungjo, most of your friends lived in the larger cities around and you had to make a long journey to visit relatives, not to forget that there weren't any bus connections and only one train station in the whole town.

In Seoul you had to walk a few meters to the next bus stations and all of your classmates and most of Haru's relatives lived in Seoul, something you learned to appreciate when you befriended Yeji.

Like that, it was of course easier for relatives to visit more often, what resulted in you getting to know Jungkook's nice aunt Miri a bit closer a few days after your mother came back from her mini-honeymoon.

You'd only seen her once at the wedding, remembering a woman in neon orange dress and fiery orange hair talking to your dear aunt.

Besides Miri's quite unusual attire, was she a very gentle person, standing in stark contrast to your lively and sometimes unpleasantly nosy aunt.

 You almost didn't believe that she was related to Jungkook, because while both him and his dad were rather tall, with broad shoulders and deep brown eyes, was Miri very small, on the chubbier side with a pair of cat-like eyes.

Yet there were a few things on her that truly reminded you of Jungkook, the easy-going confidence that both radiated for example, or this distant polite smile almost constantly tugging on her lips.

You had just said good bye to Jimin after your walking-back-home ritual after school and were immediately greeted by exactly such smile and a warm pair of cat eyes eyeing you up and down, just to hand you a warm cup of tea with a heart-warmingly, "Here you go"

You soon realized that Miri was really pleasant to talk with but it started to highly irritate you that Jungkook - who was Miri's nephew after all -didn't even spare her a glance once and even her own brother Haru didn't even come to talk to her, making you grow more and more confused about the men's sudden distance.

"Why" you changed the topic at some point of your convo, "Didn't Jungkook greet you once?"

Miri took her sweet time with answering, sipping on her tea a view times before talking again.

"You might not know it, but for them this is an especially hard time and me being here probably doesn't make things much easier." She stirred her tea thoughtlessly, "But I needed to check on them anyways, though I know that they have three angels that take care of them now."

She said the last part with a warm grin and you smiled, acting as if you weren't completely clueless to what she talking about.

"Why would this be a hard time for them?" You asked further, something you'd been afraid to do, fearing this would be digging too deep into their privacy.

"You don't know?" Miri asked, barely surprised before she took another sip of her tea, "Well, in this case I suppose it'd be the best if you ask them yourself, no?"

She wore this Jeon typical, polite and tight-lipped smile and you nodded stiffly, "Yeah..."

Miri sighed and looked around the kitchen dramatically, "Oh dear, could you get me some of the ginger tea Haru keeps in his office?"

You cocked a brow, "Don't you think he's keeping it there for a reason?"

The redhead grinned, "As his sister I have certain privileges, what - amongst other things - involves having full access to his entire tea stock."

You laughed lifting your arms in defense, "Alright, but when he sees me I'll say you asked me to get it."

"Of course" She chuckled, "It's on the lowest shelf - if you don't find it ask me!"

Really, Miri was nice. Refreshing was the right word probably. She was so different than the other adults you had around you all day, much more easy-going and spirited with an always positive demeanor.

You were still thinking about your step-dad's friendly sister while rummaging trough the lowest shelf - just how Miri had told you - when a small pile of photos fell into your lap, instead of tea.

A surprised "oops" left your lips and you wanted to put them back already, but the smile of a beautiful woman in the arms of a much younger Haru stopped you from doing so.

You blinked a few times, flipping trough the photos that all must've been taken on the same day around the same time, all displaying a happy woman dancing around a similar beaming Haru who held a small bundle of baby in his arms.

The longer you looked at these pictures the more it dawned you who the woman was, having you feeling like an intruder all of a sudden.

"So, you found them."

You snapped around, quickly stuffing the photos back feeling as if you've been caught stealing at the sound of the voice, only to see Miri walking up to you into the stuffed office.

"I never believed it either. No one did." Miri said, voice sounding blank and emotionless.

"Jungkook wasn't the same after what happened to his mother." She reached past you, grabbing a white paper bag that you thought must contain the tea and turned around walking out of the small room again.

You were left there, sitting onto the floor and letting the familiar bad feeling creeping, pooling, flowing into your body.

How come you've never spared a single thought about what had happened with Jungkook's mom?

Jungkook and neither Haru had ever mentioned her with a single word. Of course, your mom hadn't talked about your or Jee's dad as well, yet Haru knew of the fact that Jee was only your half brother, or  why Yoona had lived without any men in her life for so long now.

But Jungkook's mother? You didn't know anything about her. About the circumstances she left Jungkook or wether they were still in contact.

Hell, you hadn't even thought about it once.

You felt so damn selfish all of a sudden.

A sigh escaped your lips when your buried your face in your hands. What happened that Jungkook had to grow up with just his dad?


I haven't watched the second bon voyage episode yet and the third is out soon what means that I'll spend the weekend watching bv lmao


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