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Jungkook studied you with an expression that clearly showed how unsure he felt.

"I'm sorry you had to witness that." He said eventually, making you cock your head to the side.

These five minutes had been enough to prove you how Jeon Jungkook wasn't as perfect as he seemed to be, what sadly only made him more endearing to you, as immoral as it may sound.

"Did you really have sex with someone underage?"

He scoffed, not answering, what was answer enough and making your tummy feel uneasy.

Jimin hadn't been the only one

"I thought you were straight." You stated, trying to bring him to spill out some more information.

He scoffed again, this time having some sort of wicked look on his face, "It'd be boring to only look out for one gender, right?"

You frowned, not liking the smug tone his voice had adapted, yet having to admit that this new side of his made him so much more interesting, "Why Jimin though? It's obvious that he isn't one for... stuff like that."

Jungkook sighed, shaking his head in annoyance, "Look little one, I told you I'm sorry you had to witness that, just forget about it."

"You broke my best friend's heart, how am I supposed to forget about it?"

Jungkook chuckled quietly, "Best friend huh? He's not an angel Y/N, believe me. Don't you think there could be a reason for why he became 'best friends' with you in such a short time?"

You flinched, feeling almost the physical pain through his words and he smiled, shaking his head and patting you hair as if you were some five years old, as he made his way back upstairs.

"You're rather naive, aren't you?" You heard him say before he disappeared in his own room.


You were dumbfounded for the rest of the evening, not wanting to eat alone with Jee and Jungkook, thus staying in your room without having any dinner.

It was weird how a single sentence of Jungkook made you question your whole friendship with a boy you thought to be the personification of good.

At the end, Jimin did really lie to you about not knowing Jungkook.

He picked up after the third ring, though you felt as if he'd been waiting for your call.


"Hey Jimin." You greeted him, "Are you alright?"

"Oh um.." He sounded ashamed, "Yes, I guess."

"That's good." You retorted and it was silent for a long time after this.


"Why did you lie to me?" You said straight forwardly, making Jimin stumble over his words.

"W-Why- what makes you think th-"

"You often told me how you don't know anything about Jungkook." You remembered him and a sad whine escaped the brown haired lips, though he didn't say anything else.

"Jimin", you said, finding you voice sounding angered, "Did... you only befriend me so that you could get to talk with Jungkook?"

The following silence told you more than any words could and you feel the disappointment rising in you. You sighed, "Alright Jimin, guess we-"

"N-No!" Jimin interrupted you hastily, "At the beginning it was like that. I'm sorry. But now... please I never had a true friend at this school."

You closed your eyes feeling exhausted, "I don't want to be friends with anyone who lies to me just to get something he can't have. And I also don't want to be friends with anyone just so that they won't be alone."

You hung up after saying that, feeling the loss of your first close friend hanging heavy in the air, clouding your head and making you curse everyone and anyone.

As if giving up your safe haven for Seoul hasn't been hard enough, did fate seem to have a specific dislike on you, because once again they kicked you in the ass with a friendship that actually had never been one.

You buried your head in your pillow, closing your eyes and wanting to shut the rest of the world down.

This all was so frustrating.

Why did you still feel sympathy for Jimin?

Why were you still so enticed by Jungkook?


Jungkook's eyes fell onto her room's door, fighting the urge to open it and look how she was doing.

He really was sorry for her getting involved in his business.

He didn't mean to.

Family was never supposed to know of his unfortunate habits, that's what his dad taught him early enough.

And Y/N somehow was family... somehow.

But still...

had she really been naive enough to believe that this Jimin guy was really only interested in being her friend?

Jungkook scoffed.

She was so altruistic.

Even now she probably felt sympathy for the brunette.

Always wanting the best for the people around her. That's what was simply her personaltity.

Jungkook learned that pretty fast.

Yeah, you could say he envied her.


anyways I hope you had/have a nice day


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