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You didn't really think any further when Yeji asked if she could come over. You completely forgot that everyone was busy with stressing over the wedding that would occur tomorrow evening, not realizing that Yeji would be caught in between your stressful family's preparations.

About ten minutes before Yeji would arrive, your mom came running down the stairs, a hectic expression on her face and tone as she grabbed her keys and held a piece of paper in to your face at the same time, "I almost forgot to pick up your brother, I'm so sorry Y/N but could you please get these things from the shop around the corner? Thank you so much."

You took the note dumbfounded, letting your mom rush out of the house. With a heavy sigh you threw on your coat and made your way out of the house as well. If you would hurry up, you'd be back at the same time Yeji arrived.

Eyes roaming over the aisles, you quickly put together the stuff your mother asked you to get.

The cashier smiled at you friendly while he scanned the items, "Big feast tomorrow?"

"You could say so." You answered snickering.

More hopping than walking, you got back home, anticipating to see Yeji again and to make fun of the chaos downstairs in the living room which your mother had caused this morning. Since Haru was out and your mom was picking up Jee you'd be all alone and would have the freedom to do what ever you wanted to.

When you walked up to the house you didn't see Yeji, so you supposed that she wasn't there yet.Then you remembered that Jungkook was probably home today (he wouldn't be out for weekend when his dad married) so you considered the possibility that he let her in already.

After unlocking the door, you shrugged off your coat and made your way to the kitchen, wanting to put away the groceries you bought.

The sight in front of you made you freeze, feeling your gut turning.

Yeji bent over the kitchen counter, forcing out strangled moans and Jungkook behind her with his hair sticking to his sweaty forehead, holding up her hands against her back while he-

Jesus fucking Christ

Your frozen state lasted only a heartbeat, until you let the bags with the items you just bought fall onto the floor and run out of the kitchen into the living room, heart racing at an incredulous pace.

The lewd sounds had stopped the moment the bags had touched the floor and you heard the rustling of cloth coming from the kitchen, together with the sounds of Jungkook's creative cursing.

Soon after, his face appeared in the living room, similar worried to when Jimin had thrown his tantrum in front of you.

Jungkook didn't say anything, unlike Yeji, who looked ashamed to death when she met eyes with your figure, "Y/N-"

"Out." You cut her off, "Now."

The girl looked as if she wanted to say something but she seemed to realized that she didn't have to say anything and quickly turned around, running out of the house. Jungkook didn't even spare her a single glance.

He sighed, not fazed by the girl who just ran past him, lifting his hand hesitantly, "Listen-"

"She's underage." You interrupted him, "This was illegal, just like what you did with Jimin."

You stared at him, who looked down as if ashamed, though you could sense the words he didn't have the balls to say out loud.

He hadn't cared.

"Disgusting." You hissed when you rushed past him, upstairs to, well, Jee's room, because you gave up yours for your cousins.


You fought the feeling of nausea while you laid on the mattress next to Jee's bed, who had insisted of having you sleeping next to him, just like in your old apartment.

The more you thought about it, the more you realized that Yeji was just like all the others, just like Jimin - she wanted to get to Jungkook through you, although because of different reasons than Jimin.


He had been lead on by Jungkook, falling for him in the process. But Yeji? She was well aware of what she was doing, fully aware of how she was using you to get to him.

You smiled bitterly. Yeah, that fitted to her. Now she totally had a story to tell others. Jeon Jungkook fucked her after all.

That's how he ruined yet another friendship of yours, just like that.

You felt blessed when Jee came back later in the evening, throwing himself into your arms as if he was sensing your distress.


"Yes Jellybean?"

"Tell me something." Jee mumbled tiredly when he laid next to you on your mattress curled against you while you stroked your little brother's hair.

Everything was quiet in the big house, after even the chaotic twins Kira and Sera came to rest, almost everyone anticipating the next day - besides maybe you, as bad as it may sound.

You sighed, getting more and more the feeling that Jee knew what was up with you, like some crazy sibling telepathy or some shit.

You turned around to him, curling your free arm around his small shoulders.

"I hope you treat your little girlfriend well, little one." You whispered, while you kept on stroking his head, "You know, there are lots of weird people out there. People who aren't nice."

You looked dow at the peaceful seven years old, "I hope you won't become one of them."

He yawned, "Don't worry sis. Of course I treat my girlfriend well. I love her after all."

You chuckled and kissed his forehead. Although he was only so young, he seemed to be more mature than any person you knew, "Oh, Jellybean."


Early update

I'm thinking of publishing another story but I'm afraid that I won't update Infatuated regularly anymore

also I wouldn't be able to decide which one to publish


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