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Jungkook stared at her, all his anger being swapped away.

"I l-love you."

"Well, that's pretty damn stupid of you." Was the first thought coming to his mind, words spilling out of his mouth before his panicked brain could stop them, "You'll end up just like your mom."

She had the audacity to roll her eyes.

"That's the point." She said and Jungkook was more than just amazed by how she wasn't deeply hurt by his mildly harsh answer to her confession, "You know that you aren't perfect, that you're most likely going to hurt me - and that's the reason why you won't."

She sounded so determined and sure of herself, "You think too low of yourself Kook."

He looked down at her, who had this hopeful, encouraging smile on her face, whose pure altruism was enough to make even himself believe that he was good.

He hadn't even noticed that his hands had been shaking until she took them and gently squeezed them until he calmed down.

She loved him. The probably dumbest thing one could do but she loved him and although he wasn't able to say those words back, he knew that with her he would soon.

A smile tugged his lips upwards. She had taken this risk of confessing, knowing that he wouldn't return her feelings, making herself vulnerable like that, somehow knowing that this was exactly what the older needed.

It was like a slap in the face, hearing the raw truth that there was someone who loved him.

First he had lost his mother, then his dad and after wards never allowed anyone to come closer again, but now he did and he knew he would never regret it.

"T-thanks." Confident Jungkook seemed to having jumped out of the window, leaving him in a positively panicked state, that had Y/N giggling.

"For what?" Though her tone said that she knew, so he spared himself from answering.

"Let's go somewhere? Tae's place stinks." The dark haired proposed, leaving her hand in his while he stepped outside.

It was warm and cozy, not too hot for once and many people were out, enjoying the weather to its fullest.

While the couple walked down the streets and eventually along the Han river, they didn't say much, strolling along the sparkling water hand in hand, in pleasant silence.

"Jungkook?" Y/N asked after some while, voice relatively small compared to earlier.

"Hm?" He turned his attention away from the river, towards the smaller girl next to him.

"I just- what are we now? I mean, like, what are we?" She didn't seem to want to name the obvious, or was too shy to do so and this somehow made Jungkook's tummy flip and a grin spread over his face.

"What ever you want us to be." He grinned down at her, who didn't seem pleased by his answer and he felt pride rising in his chest, when he wrapped his arm around her side and spoke his next words: "Friends, lovers, boyfriend and girlfriend..."

He giggled when she beamed up to him, the moment he spoke the two words she wanted him say, admiring the way she became all childish when she was shy.

"A-Are you my boyfriend then?"

He laughed and swirled her around, acting on impulse when he leaned down to press his lips against hers, earning a surprised squeak, "Of course, little one."

She hit his chest at his teasing tone, looking away flustered.

"Let's get some ice cream." He mumbled.


Gathering the courage to confess is one thing.

Having a whole fucking Jeon Jungkook as your boyfriend another one.

You were very happily eating your mint-chocolate chip ice, while Jungkook was (unlike you) totally not shy about touching you, sliding his hand up and down your thigh and leaning in occasionally whenever he wanted to talk to you.

It was very comfortable and casual, it had always been easy to be with him, never awkward, but now it felt like Jungkook had been holding back touching you all of the time and was now - now that he you allowed him to - gladly doing so.

It was all so god darn easy with him and you couldn't believe it, because so far neither of you had had it easy, so why now all of a sudden?

Maybe this is our chance to heal

You smiled softly

Our chance to heal each other

"Y/N?"  A scandalized voice shrieked, forcing you out of your thoughts and you made eye contact with a very much familiar brunette.

"uhm." You blinked, not having expected to meet Jimin, out of all people, here.

Jimin wasn't dumb and Jungkook way too smug to retreat his hand from your thigh, a shit-eating grin on his face when realization appeared on your best-friend's face.

"Long time no see shorty."

"And I hoped this time would've lasted longer."

You practically sensed the up-coming argument, so you intervened before it was too late, "Okay guys, you better stop that stupid behavior. How old are you? Eight?"

"I'm sorry honey, but you can't expect me to act all chill when I meet you with this person out of all." Jimin snapped, irritation clear on his face.

"I mean, you were the one telling me to get a boyfriend." You mumbled, staring down at your ice cream.

"What?" Jimin sputtered, "But not- him!"

Jungkook laughed besides you, "Serves you right Kitten. C'mon, Y/N is right, there's no point in arguing. Come sit with us, I'll treat you ice cream, how does his sound?"

Jimin eyed him suspiciously, but slumped down onto the seat across from yours anyways, Jungkook's bribery seemingly working.

Jimin ordered Vanilla with chocolate sprinkles and you talked for a bit, even though the conversation between your boyfriend and your best friend mainly consisted of passive aggressive threats (Jimin) or smug retorts (Jungkook).

You were ready and about to leave when Jimin leaned forward abruptly, grabbing the surprised Jungkook by his collar with a considerably scary expression.

"I swear to god." Jimin hissed, "If she comes to me crying, because of you, I will cut off your ugly dick and make you swallow it, understood?"

Addressed blinked rapidly, before nodding stiffly, looking genuinely concerned.

You waved Jimin weakly goodbye, still processing the scene you just witnessed.

Jungkook rearranged his clothes, clearing his throat, "I'll add this to the list of reasons why I won't ever do anything to hurt you."



I took over my friend's Wattpad account -> FizzyHead <-  and started publishing original stories on there (in case you'll wonder why this account commented on my own stories -- it was her)

I won't update regularly on there, cause this here account has total priority, but I just have some story ideas you can't use as fan fiction and thought it'd be a waste to not write them

I'd be so happy if you'd visit my other page ^-^


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