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The biggest fault one can make is not to appreciate the things when you have them. You'll only know what you had when you already lost it.

It was awfully quiet in the house ever since they left.

Jungkook missed the little boy fussing around, or the warm-hearted woman proposing to make some tea for him. But - if he was being really honest with himself - he missed her the most. 

He took his sweet time realizing it, but he missed talking with her, missed how he didn't need to put on an act in front of her.

He felt so god damn lonely.

"We all need some one, sometimes."

Maybe she'd been right. Maybe he was lonely after all.

Jungkook sighed as he smoothed his hand over the photo he kept of her.

She had been so shy the day they made it, when they had their little photoshoot for her presentation.

This had been the first day Jungkook had thought that, maybe, he could care for her actually. In what ever way his fucked up mind could care for a person of course.

His hands clenched around the paper when he realized that he needed her back. The only person that's ever managed to make him feel like he was normal, like he was just a boy fooling around with his prettypretty step sis.

Just a normal boy.


"Is that him?"

"Yes. But don't be so fucking loud."

"Wow, who would've thought Y/N would go for the boring guys."

"He isn't boring. He's really kind and sweet."

"Sounds pretty Boring to me."

You nudged Jimin's side who giggled playfully.

You two were comfortably seated in front of a crowded café, enduring the buzzing summer heat just to watch Park Jisung taking the orders of the other guests.

"I mean, he's cute undoubtedly but where's the spice? Every guy you've gone for before was a bit more... you know-"

You nudged him again, making him whine, "C'mon, I didn't come all the way here just to be beaten up by you."

"Don't be such a baby." You teased him, earning a pout.

"Hey, what do you want to order?"

You turned around with a shriek, now directly facing the dude you'd been watching until now.

"Oh heeyy." You said, acting surprised, "Jisung, what a coincidence to meet you here!"

A mixture between pleasantly surprised and confused was on the blonde's face, "Hi Y/N. What do you mean coincidence? I already told I'm working here."

You heard the little prick behind you giggle and shrugged smiling, "Ah right, I forgot."

He took your orders awkwardly and disappeared in the crowd again, what was the cue for you to turn around and throw the menu at your friend, "You'r unbelievable.

"Unbelievably cute. And you are an awkward idiot."

It was rare for Jimin to visit you, since you pretty much lived on the other side of Seoul, in one of the outer districts, but whenever he did it would never be boring.

You were incredibly happy to still have him as a friend, after you moved away a bit more than two years ago, couldn't imagine to have survived  without him.

That's why you felt sad when you said goodbye to him this evening, watching his bus disappear around the corner before you went back inside your cozy apartment.

The place reminded you a bit of your old apartment back in Yeungjo, just that it was so much brighter. Not as bright as the boy embracing you now, still as touchy and affectionate as he's been two years ago.

He turned 9 two days ago and had the post birthday still making him way too energetic for his own good.

"Slow down Jellybean or you'll crush me." You joked, stroking the boy's head.

"Don't be silly, I'm too small to crush you." He answered matter-of-factly, making you laugh.

You let go of him and strolled back to your room after a while, feeling calm.


You felt strangely calm lately. At least, if lately meant the past two years.

Leaving Haru had meant leaving many things behind for your mother. Such as chasing people she could trust, or thinking that her children needed a father to be happy.

You were happy about that, your mom seemed at peace with herself ever since.

When you had turned 18 she had told you about your dad, about how he had acted all nice and sweet until he heard that he got her pregnant. You had always feared that if your mom ever spoke about your dad she would start to cry, but she smiled.

She smiled and she seemed to have accepted her fate.

You didn't know if it was a good or a bad thing, but as long as she was happy you couldn't seem to find any bad in it.

When you thought back to the night when everything had broken down, it was only a blur, no real memories left and you believed that it was the same for your mom. It was easier this way.

Easier to not miss the things you had, because that would be chasing ghosts.

And you didn't want to be caught in the past, having seen what it had done to your mother.

You moved on now. The only thing being left was the quiet voice of worry about the broken boy you had left alone and what might have happened to him. 

But you tried to suppress this voice too, because he made it clear that he didn't want to be worried about.

You sighed and looked out of your window, down at the sunny streets occasionally occupied by cars and people sweating in the summer heat as they were taking a walk with their dogs.

You reached forwards to turn on the Ac and let yourself slump down onto your bed in one movement.

Did Jisung like you too?

You smiled at the thought of the kind blonde.

You wanted to like him, you wanted to like him a lot.

"Every guy you've gone for before was a bit more... you know-"

You giggled as you recalled Jimin's silly words and waved them off with a hand gesture, as if this could make his words disappear.

Curling in to yourself, you reached for your pillow and hugged it tightly.

Daydreaming about cute guys.


I apologize for such an action-less part


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