What's stopping you?

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They'd hang out at each other's house like before. Have morning coffee dates, afternoon practice sessions, night strolls at the park or late-night conversations, all with holding hands and looks lovingly at each other included.

Things began to change little by little. Within themselves, their friends and family. Change was definitely inevitable but necessarily not always easy or smooth.


"When are you gonna propose?" Eddy's sister asked.

Brett choked on his drink, got to his nose, that hurt. After a few coughs, "We're only three months in, you sure are excited."

"So what? You've known my brother for all of your life!" Leaned on the table to Brett's direction. "Three months is nothing compared to that."


"Do you have a ring yet?"

"Of course!"

"Then what's stopping you?"



One afternoon.

He mustered all the courage he had, Brett, determined, his mind set on. He gambled.

"Mom, I want to marry Eddy."

Yang-mama almost spat out her drink when she heard her son said those words. In both shock and anger, she said, shaking, "What are you sa-- are you two together now?" Not knowing how, but she did put the glass she was holding cleanly on the coffee table in front of her.

Brett shook his head. Cheerless. "No, not yet."

"Ha? Then why are you telling me this?" She adjusted her seat on the sofa. Put a throw pillow behind her as a cushion.

He took a deep breath, "Starting today," he said firmly, "I'll make sure that it'll happen."


At the dining table.

"Are you gay?" Yang-mama asked, a few days after his son's announcement. Seemed like it took a decent amount of time to sink in.


Yang-mama can't really fathom it. "Why this? Why a guy? Why Eddy?" Confused on the situation, confused about her state of mind, confused about what she was saying.

"I love him," Brett said firmly. "I love Eddy so much that I want to be with him, always."

"You can be together being friends." She retorted. "Like now, you're always together."

Brett sighed. "Yes, we're always together, but the togetherness that I mean is..." 'how do I explain this?' he thought. "I want to be his, and him to be mine."

"Isn't that, that?"

"Then I am!" He exclaimed. "I'm gay, only for Eddy."

Yang-mama stared at her son, contemplated on whether she'll accept it or not. She didn't come up with a decision quickly. Technically, the inner discussion was on hold.

Brett nervously waited. Her judgment. What she would say next determine which course of action he would take. If he were to choose, he doesn't want to choose between Eddy and his mom. That just... Won't do.

She looked at Brett in the eyes and held the gaze there, "Prove to me that he is good for you, that he is willing and that he is worth it."

She paused for a little, leaned to his direction then continued, "Convince me, Brett."


The room was dimly lit, only the light from the setting sun set in. Brett had been practicing one of the pieces they'd perform for a live stream concert. The sun was still high when he started. He had been too focused on the piece or running away from something, keeping his mind off from something.

Brett's hand hurt. He ignored it. His eyes tried hard to see. He ignored it. His mind kept on wandering. This one, he can't ignore it.

It was a challenge, a necessary step, a requirement, set-up by his mom to test him. To see whether he was serious or it was all in the heat of the moment rush decision, or even a joke.

A joke? Never.

The older Yang arrived from work. The house was quiet like no one lived in there, but he heard violin playing. 'Brett's here.' he thought. He went to his brother's room and there he was.

Brett played his violin with eyes closed. He can concentrate more this way, he can hear his playing better this way, he can drown his thoughts this way. Midway through the piece, though his eyes were closed, he saw that the surroundings turned brighter. He stopped playing and opened his eyes.

With his hand still on the light switch near the door, he saw Brett turned to his direction, with eyes still adjusting to the sudden change in lighting. "Hey." Older Yang greeted. "What's wrong?" He then added.

He was taken aback. Brett hasn't told anything to his brother, and yet... Maybe their mom did. He put his violin on the bed and plopped down himself too. He sighed.

"I don't know what mom told you, but from what I see, you've been thinking a lot lately." He crossed his arms and leaned on the door frame.

Brett laid down with his arms spread out. Again he sighed. "I don't know how, but I have to do it." He covered his eyes with the back of his hand. "Prove things."

"You shouldn't think too much, that's not a 'Brett thing'." He walked to his brother and sat on the bed. "The Brett I know just dived straight into things."

He chuckled. Brett lifted his hand from his eyes and turned to his older brother. "Am I that reckless to you?"

"No, no." He refuted him. "It's just, this is not you, a 'melancholy Brett'."

Brett smiled at that.

"You should do everything you want, be anything that you want." The older Yang told his younger brother. "So you can't say that "I gave up before it happened," he then looked away, seemed that it reminded him of something, "...and you won't have any regrets later on in life."

Brett just looked at him. He really acted like a proper older brother this way. And he's right, he should do things that he want, right now, when he still can, when he still has a chance.

"I'll help you convince mom." Patted his younger brother on the shoulder and smiled.

"Thanks, bro." He smiled back.

"Ahem!" The older Yang cleared his throat. "It is not only mom that needs convincing though."

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