ASMR video

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The morning sun came in between the gap of the flowing curtains. Eddy's eyes moved through his closed eyelids. Was waking up.

With eyes still closed, his arms reached out to the other side of the bed, tapped wrinkled fabric of the bedsheet randomly. Bump. He found it. Smiling, Eddy moved closer, wrapped his leg and arms to the warm man, whose back was turned to him.

"Mmm..." Brett hummed. The light feather breaths on the back of his neck woke him. "Eddy..." His hand held Eddy's hand.

"Wake up, Brett..." With voice coated with drowsiness murmured, almost inaudible, "You have a 10 AM appointment with Dr. Galvez..." he hugged him tighter.

Brett chuckled. "Not when it's so comfortable and warm here," he brought the hand he was holding to lips, there he finds the ring on his finger, kissed it. Ignored the pain slowly creeping in his head.

"You seriously need to get up now, " he whispered. Hovering lightly, Eddy littered his lover's neck to his ear with kisses.

Eyes still closed, Brett turned his head to meet Eddy's lips. Fully awake now, he murmured, "Let him wait."



10:27 AM, the string of profanity escaped Brett's mouth as he half-ran through the parking lot of the hospital. All while he fixed his jacket to cover his red and purple painted throat.

Trying hard to suppress his laugh, Eddy followed after him.


Brett's recent discovery made the couple more touchy. If they weren't touchy enough. It was a giant leap towards curing Brett's severe headaches.

"It hurt less if you just whisper," Brett said, his eyes on the phone on his hand. As Dr. Galvez advised before, to watch their videos to gauge how long he can withstand Eddy as a part of the exposure therapy.

"Rea-- Oh, really?!" A half-half of a shout and whisper escaped Eddy. His eyes are wide in delight. He hugged him from behind the chair Brett sat on, rest his chin on the crown of his lover's head.

Brett paused the video, put down his phone on the dining table. With a smile on his lips, he said, "I discovered it," his hands found Eddy's arms, "from our ASMR video."

Tears found a landing on Brett's hair. "That's great," he murmured to his locks, "that's really great!" Eddy hugged him tighter.

"We're getting there, Eddy," Brett smiled, tears of joy also forming in his eyes, "we're getting there."


"Put your hand here," Eddy whispered, guiding the small hand to the neck of the violin that rested on the shorter's shoulder. Smooth, tender was Brett's hand, something you won't be describing a man's. Carefully he led them as if it was fragile china.

'Too close,' as the soft words whispered earlier tickled the back of his neck. Brett's cheeks heated at the thought. To hide his blush, he cleared his throat and adjusted his glasses with the other hand.

With the bow on his right, Eddy put it into position. He pressed in closer to Brett's back as if he weren't close enough before. In another tender whisper, "Hold it here."

Brett nodded and followed. He put his hand on the near-edge of the bow. Little did he know, he was holding his breath.

"Relax, " the smooth cadence of Eddy's voice flowed. He fixed the small hand on the bow, curved the dainty fingers and put his own hand on top to secure its position. Lowly he asked, "Ready?"

He let out a large exhale. "Yeah..." Resisting the urge to blush up to his ears at every word Eddy let out, Brett just stared at the music upfront.

The first notes were smooth. Eddy smiled at the good start of the piece. Halfway through the second page, he whispered, "You're doing great, Brett."

It was when his concentration was broken. Brett's breath hitched at the low timbre of his voice that spoke of his name. He can't hear the notes, only the loud pounding of his heart. The heat and pink of his cheeks that he wanted to hide didn't help either.

It startled Eddy that Brett suddenly stopped playing and moved away from him. "What's the ma--"

Brett twirled to face Eddy. His face flushed red and eyes tightly shut. His hands that clasped to the violin and bow shook lightly, he said, "It tickles!"

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