How will I know?

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Brett felt like nothing was working with his mom. Both stressed and exhausted, both his heart and mind, the thought of giving up crossed his mind.

The image of his brother flashed before him. It reminded him of 'not doing things that he may regret later on in life.'

Brett shook his head furiously, slapped both of his hands to his cheeks. "I don't want to regret that I have not at least tried this." He said to himself and brushed the negative idea off.

He was really not like this, as his brother said, overthinking things. But he had to, though it made his head hurt. With that, to keep himself from thinking, to rest, to let the day pass, Brett decided to sleep in.


Brett woke up, for he felt hungry. Looked around. It was the next morning already. Turned to his nightstand. Again he looked around. "Where'd I put my glasses?" He checked under the sheets, under the bed, cabinets, his bag, violin case. None. "Where is it?"

He washed his face and brushed his teeth, looked for it in the bathroom too, naught. He went downstairs.

"Mom, have you seen my glasses?" Brett called out.

"No. Where you last saw it?"

"On my face?"

Yang-mama was not amused by his answer.

They both looked for it in the living area, kitchen area, common area. A few minutes passed, none.

"Just use your old one for the time being," Yang-mama advised.

"My head hurts on that one."

"Then look for it. Harder."

Brett went to the kitchen, grabbed some bread and ate it. When he finished, Brett went back to his room, to look for it, harder.

Then there was the doorbell.

After a few moments, he heard someone knocked on the door.

"Hey man! It's me, open up."

"Who's 'It's me'? You're a scammer aren't you?" Brett shouted as he was searching on the cabinets again.

The person outside laughed. "Dude!" Still chuckling, "Open up."

He wiped the sweat on his forehead and straightened his shirt. Brett opened the door, he saw a blurry friend. "Hey Ed--"

"Bro, where's your glasses?" Eddy inquired. Not waiting for his answer, he entered.

Brett got a whiff of his cologne as he passed by him. The cool fresh scent of citrus and mint. There's only one person in his mind that uses that type of scent. And he's here. The very person. Eddy.

Eddy was the start and the end of this dilemma of his, for he fell in love. He can't really blame him. Eddy doesn't need to do anything to make Brett fall for him, he just has to be himself, be Eddy, and that's it.

He has to have a talk about him with his mom, without him. He wanted to think, but Eddy being here made him distracted.

For Brett thought of things he wanted to do with him instead. He wanted to do with him instead. He wanted to do him instead.

Brett, obviously, was distracted.

"Was looking for it..." Brett answered as he slightly pushed the door, not enough to close it fully.

"Need help?" Eddy asked as he lifted the blanket, already looking for it.

As if fully entranced by his scent, his presence or his voice, Brett didn't stop him to say, 'I already searched there' or 'look at other places too.' With no comment or complain, Brett joined him for the search.

Eddy crouched and put down his bag on the floor, to look under the nightstand.

Brett did the same, looked under the bed beside the nightstand. He already looked there earlier too but the item was not there. He thought it may be different because now Eddy was here. Still, none. "You see it, bro?"

"Nah." Eddy sat down on the floor, his back resting at the side of the bed with the nightstand to his right. Followed by a tired exhale.

Brett sat down too, beside Eddy. "That was fast."

"Let me rest a bit. I'm a bit sore." Eddy complained. He went here straight from the gym.

"Okay." Then Brett was silent.

Eddy was silent too.

Brett turned to look at Eddy.

In the silence, his mother's words echoed in his mind.

"Prove to me that he is good for you, that he is worth it."

'Eddy is.' Brett answered in his mind.

"that he is willing,"

As if he read his mind, on cue, Eddy turned to Brett.

'How will I know?' Brett asked himself. No answer.

The boys' eyes met.

Brett leaned in close. 'How will I know...?'

Without a second thought, he gambled in for a kiss.

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